Friday, November 2, 2012

Hate is in the blood, says Lyin' Bill

So lyin' Bill is still at it.  I don't go looking for his wisdom any more than I go around opening manhole covers looking for a pleasant smell, but sometimes you just stumble into it - like you might step into some dog shit on the sidewalk.  Anyway,  here we have him again running his foul mouth for his foul audience hoping to promote evil and ugliness and hate wherever he can -- and get rich from doing it.

So Barack Obama hates half the country, says O'Reilly -- the white half, of course, because even though the only family he ever knew was white, he must hate white people because he's black -- even though he's every bit  as white as he is black, unless of course, the old Confederate, Secessionist USA hating bigots like Lyin' Bill  are right that one drop of "black" blood means you're black and inferior. Old Confederate, Secessionist bigots like Lyin' Bill must think that "black blood" is mighty powerful stuff though, if one drop of it can pollute an ocean of whiteness and all the superiority it conveys. Lyin' Bill must believe in "black power!"  Whattaya know!

But Dennis Miller, that other Fox bastard who, back when he was funny and before he sold his soul for a buck thirty seven used to try to impress us all with his brilliance and erudition and vocabulary, is reduced to making a living with pusillanimous persiflage for the amusement of the stupidest fraction of mediocre American minds by bantering with Bill, would none the less opine that he seeth not the anger of blackness but the haughtiness of the educated.  Fox and grapes, Dennis? Nobody thinks you're smart or funny any more.

So they're back to this -- still at this, since every factual-seeming accusation has been erased like grafitti under the blast from a power washer.  The fake numbers, the fake stories, the false identification with George Bush's blunders misdeeds, blunders and frauds -- it all has a shelf life and perhaps the lies have gone past it and are beginning to spoil and so it's back to racists and Bolshevik class warfare:  he's a racist, he's a snob, he's consumed with hate (just like us.)


  1. I can't even stand to look at the "commentators" on that particular channel anymore. A couple of them make me physically ill on sight. What they're going to say is predictable: just start with three parts hate to one part crazy-laced tea, and stir in several heaping tablespoonfuls of certified organic mendacity and a dash of unmerited contempt. Drink up, Uhmur'ca!

  2. Here is an old hypothesis of mine, oft repeated but worth repeating again. I recall reading somewhere that o'really!'s old man was a verbal and emotional abuser, and it shouldn't surprise us that the lower case o'really! is really a chip off the upper case O'Really!

    Same observation in the case of Michael Savage, another right-wing radio hack whose father was a notorious verbal abuser. Seems to run in the family, runs in the Republican Party, runs on Fox News, and gives me the runs when I consider how right-wing media bullies have corrupted our culture.

    Hells, bells, you can't even win a public debate anymore unless you act like a verbal abuser and a sandbox bully.

  3. Dino;

    They all make me ill and give me thoughts that really aren't like me.


    That's an interesting notion. I've noticed how many far-far righties brag about having stern disciplinarian parents who used a lot of punishment and tell you how they benefited from it. The expressions usually show a lot of anger despite the denial. So don't beat your children parents. Lack of discipline may turn them into bums like me, but unless you spare the rod, you may raise Republicans.

  4. This is indeed an interesting thread. I assume the observations, while being valid, were not meant to be a broad brush stroke.

  5. He's just trying to please his neo-fascist boss, R.M.

  6. Capt, your rants are so eloquent and all inclusive and your turn of phrase so clever and intellectual, I neever have anything to add but I do so love to read your posts! :)

  7. Thank you, but I'm so damned angry at FOX -- the most dangerous enemy the USA has ever had and I really don't see how we can survive as one nation under a constitution unless and until they are silenced. I prefer that the public simply stop listening to their seditious and malicious and vicious lies, but I can't help dreaming of some really horrific things. I really can't.


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