Thursday, June 13, 2013

Glenn Beck again

"We are going to be greatly divided as a nation in the next ten days and you are going to witness things in American history that have never been witnessed before" Said Glenn Beck yesterday despite his recent claim that his vocal cords no longer worked. I was hoping that might have been the one true thing ever to escape his mouth.

It's true -- you're going to witness the last half of June, 2013 -- a historical first.  I'm pretty sure you're going to witness another spell of embarrassment for Glenn Beck too, not that he'll necessarily notice or acknowledge it.  There's a document, he says, that will "take down pretty much the whole power structure, pretty much everything" and he's going to announce it sometime today.

Those who remember back to last April, a set which obviously doesn't include his fans, might speculate that this new revelation will be as spurious and idiotic as his earthshaking revelation of a connection between Saudi Arabia and the Boston Marathon bombing.  Is anyone still waiting for an admission of error or a hint of humble retraction?

Of course to those folks who follow Beck in the way people used to mock dancing bears or court jesters, this is nothing new.  Students of buffoonery  and the charlatans who move their card tables and shells from one corner to the next in search of fresh idiots may not even notice this latest tantrum, but the clock is ticking Mr. Beck and there's not much time before the waitress brings you another plate of crow.  Do us a favor -- take a bite.


Well days have gone by now and no whistles have been blowing and Beck has only some mumbling about immigration which is hardly the stuff of unprecedented division much less something to "take down the power structure."  

Do his faithful listeners remember as far back as a day or two or are they just so choked up on each new day's revelation that they don't care about yesterday?

So, want so fries with that crow Glenn?  Can I supersize it?


  1. Useful idiots like Beck never eat crow because their mouths are too busy vomiting forth a diarrhea of words.

  2. Today’s forecast, Thursday, June 13, 2013:

    High 88˚ - Low 75˚; chance of afternoon showers. Friday: volcanoes, solar eclipse, floods, plague of frogs, asteroid impacts, Armageddon, and Glenn Beck.

  3. Is Beck related to Trump by any chance?

    When the dude first hit the scene I kinda liked him. Unfortunaly he flew over the cuckoo's nest shortly thereafter.

    You know a dude is really out there when FOX dumps them.

    Shaw, Isn't it more appropriately called a word salad? :-)

  4. He and Trump do seem to share some kind of grandiose delusion. I always thought that sort of thing comes from trying to hide inferiority, but who knows -- maybe it's a virus.

    Of course there's crazier bats in the national belfry.. I'm reading how Scott Lively of Abiding Truth Ministries has "proof" that Obama is gay and was once married to a man and the American Family Association's Sandy Rios claims that Hillary Clinton is gay -- and these are only the ones coherent enough to be able to describe what they're for or against.

    And meanwhile I'm still waiting for Beck's prediction to come true.

  5. The current evolutionary "triune brain" concept..limbic/paleomammalian/
    mammalian, along with the studies of the conservative-amygdala relation and Sagan's 'Dragons of Eden' reptilian neurological precursors, may perhaps help explain why some folks are motivated by fears (and perhaps why they get termed Neanderthal, troglodyte and even snakes). Beck has to
    fit in there somewhere.

  6. I'd like to figure out Beck as well, but I'm not sure I want to get inside a head like that. I worry more about his acolytes and how they so often seem so normal, even likeable. I wonder how prophets like Beck survive when none of their predictions come true and yet their flock can dance from one dire prediction to the next and the next with the same enthusiasm. 'Conservative' web sites are still repeating his claim as though it had merit.

    I wonder because it says something so revolting about our species.

  7. "'Conservative' web sites are still repeating his claim as though it had merit."

    It gives the haterz an out. They can always say, when caught defacing jewish headstones, terrorizing blacks, gays, pregnant women, (victims of your choice, here, that they're only acting on "truth and facts" supplied by an authority. It's pretty much that simple.


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