Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ink Blots

Who needs ink blots?  Life itself is a Rorschach test. What you see as a pattern, a 'gestalt' if you prefer in something random or arbitrary is a window into your mind.  Likewise what you find to condemn in others may often illustrate what you feel - or fear to find - in yourself.  It's been my experience that people who feel guilty about all their lies are quick to see others as liars, for instance and when I hear certain TV personalities telling us how, as Rush once snickered, Michael J. Fox is faking his Parkinson's to get sympathy or the Republican hyenas who insisted that Hillary Clinton's cerebral blood clot was only an excuse to get out of testifying at the Benghazi witch hunt,  and when I heard Glenn Beck snickering yesterday that Theresa Heinz-Kerry, wife of our Secretary of State, hospitalized and in critical condition was faking it, what I heard was a faker, a phoney, a con man, a liar and a sociopath telling us his own story.

Am I wrong or is this a pattern?  Do the most vocal apologists for the wackadoodle Right routinely deny inconvenient reality and slander their opponents because they think everybody is like them?  Takers, leeches, liars, fakes and idiots?    Hey, the ink blots don't lie.


  1. The same can be said of the wackadoodles on any side, can it not?

  2. Yeah, of course, but I don't see much like the current cast of crazies like Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, Bachmann inter alia, anywhere else. The birthers, the truthers the whole batshit batallion. I have my issues with the other side too, but when it comes to total rejection of reality, of science -- even of common decency, there's no contest.

    1. Yes Capt., I agree with what you with respect to those mentioned. No argument here.

      However, given what I see and hear from the most left of the leftists I'd say the issue is not party or ideology specific.

      Look to the middle, that's where things happen. As they should.


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