Thursday, August 1, 2013

All In The (Republican) Family

Remember Richard Nixon?  Richard who?  You know, the guy they tried to rehabilitate after he fled the White House behind his felonious VP and just ahead of the prosecutors, the guy they built a museum about with fake exhibits showing how he really was a great man who was victimized by the Liberal Press?

Well as long as we have Dick Nixon's words on tape we don't have to kick him around any more, since his unique talent for kicking himself in the ass with both feet in his mouth relieves us of the burden.

Watching All in the Family and completely failing to get what it was about, all the trickster could get out of it is that it "glorified homosexuality" made a hippie out to be a better man than a "hard-hat" and was likely to destroy America.  CNN plans to air this clip and more Nixon outrages tonight.  I don't plan to watch it.  I don't need to listen to this shitweasel, this piece of snake dung talking about how Rome and Greece were destroyed by "fags."  I had enough many years ago when I heard him talking to Billy Graham about how the Jews were destroying America.  I've had far more than enough of the party that supported him for decades, that attacked truth and justice to protect this horror, committed crimes to re-elect him and who now thinks he's way too far to the left for the modern tea-stained Republicans.

Watch this (my apologies for the ad) and ask yourself how this piece of human garbage ever got elected, how anyone would debase themselves and their country by supporting him in full knowledge of his words and deeds.  Ask yourself how low a person has to be to be a Republican.  Listen to his words America, and despair.


  1. The man loved his dog CHeckers. But it is weird how our best people (now that I'm a republican I say "our) get hosed by the base while assholes like Tricky Dick and idiots like Reagan are deified.

    I can't remember one of my fellow republicans since I became a republican talk about Teddy Roosevelt or IKE when asked who the great republicans were. It always begins and ends with Reagan.

    1. They seem to portray Teddy as a Communist these days. The new definition of Communism being support of a graduated income tax and interfering with making Yosemite and the Grand Canyon toxic waste dumps like Mammon demands.

      Of course they seem to portray everybody from Adam Smith to Barry Obama as a communist these days.

  2. When Nixon abdicated his throne I was in Europe in a communist country, cut off from any real news. The reports on TV there told about the break in and the president's resignation but then went on to say there were riots in the streets and America was in a melt down. Once I got to Germany I met up with a GI and asked him what was going on back home and he said, "I don't know, I was going to ask you!"
    Today we would have googled or twittered and had instant answers, probably at least 10 conflicting ones, but we would have had answers.

    1. Riots in the streets? More like a party.

      I used to be proud that we didn't have to depend on a state run media for our information, but now, of course, our corporate media in our corporate run state gives us something similar.

  3. The Sword of Truth11:57 PM, August 01, 2013

    And then, there came Barry Goldwater. Who might have been (Ford. and Reagan excluded) the last authentic honest republican.

  4. I guess he was honest. I respect him for some of his views - antipathy to the Christian right for one, and I'm sure he wasn't a bigot of any kind, but his antipathy toward labor unions, civil rights legislation and moderation itself turned my stomach and certainly his suggestion that we ought to use more nukes to fight Communism and that the pentagon shouldn't have to ask the president for permission to do so rightly prompted the slogan "in your heart, you know he's nuts."


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