Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Obama Predicted to Cave to Iranian Demands on Nuclear Program

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

From GOPUSA, with the help of an Israeli Middle East expert the following report.
A Middle East expert is confident the Obama administration will cave to Iranian demands and allow the rogue state to keep its nuclear program.
Last week The Associated Press confirmed the existence of a "dear Ayatollah" letter written by President Obama to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, urging cooperation in the fight against ISIS and tying cooperation on that front to a deal over Iran's nuclear program. The U.S., Iran, and other negotiators are facing a November 24 deadline for such a deal – a deal about which some Capitol Hill lawmakers have expressed doubts. 
David Rubin, a former mayor of the Israeli city of Shiloh, spoke with OneNewsNow about the confirmed behind-the-scenes negotiations. Rubin says the Iranians appear confident that Obama is a weak president and will do whatever it takes to make a deal with Tehran. 
"They're very clear that they think that there's going to be a deal with the United States because the Obama administration is very, very eager for a deal because they have to show some sort of accomplishment in place of all the weakness," he offers. 
In Rubin's eyes, the Iranians are issuing dictates to the United States making it clear that they want their nuclear program to go forward. 
"That is what the Iranians are saying – and I predict that that is going to be the result of these negotiations," he says. "There will be an agreement; there will be some token limitations. But the Iranians will be able to go forward with their nuclear programs."
As we anxiously await to observe how this obviously biased and somewhat questionable prediction stacks up against reality.



  1. "obviously biased and somewhat questionable prediction"


    We can file that with all the other predictions that have gone unfulfilled since Obama was elected. His "weakness" has been central to the game of substituting fear and fantasy for reality and so far, they are batting ZERO.

    The hope is that the pro-Israel block will surround the White House with lanterns and pitchforks -- metaphorically speaking, of course. I have to wonder if Mr. Rubin is part of the "Obama is a Muslim" idiocy too. If the president has the courage not to take orders from Mr. Nasty-yahoo, maybe that's a good thing.

  2. Somehow Captain I really don't think President Obama will be taking orders from Bibi.

    The fear substitution shows no signs of letting up. Obama is not the ideal president but he has turned out to be more conservative that many believed. But that hasn't had any impact on the fringe brigade.

  3. Another example of vapid speculation and ginned up partisanship from the neo-con wing of the GOP. Of course, Nyet-n-Yahoo appeals to this neo-con wing and wants to enlist the USA into a disastrous proxy war on Israel’s behalf. No, no, a thousand times “NO!”

    If Obama’s “Dear Ali” letter fails, this time the blame should fall on Putin for announcing the construction of new nuclear reactors in Iran.

    Let’s face facts. Cold War Redux has begun.

  4. Power corrupts and the use of powe to control others is a human weakness most often viewed as strength.

    Cold War Redux indeed.

  5. Last time we had a cold war, we had Walter Cronkite and we didn't have Fox. I think that spells the end times for the US. McCarthy told us we had a 5th column undermining the country it was bullshit. Now we have Fox undermining the country and turning us against each other and our common interests.

    I don't fear Putin or ISIS or the Ayatollah Asshola. Fox is the enemy.

    1. Rocks-in-the-Head News may indeed be an enemy, but Putin plays the role of instigator in Iran, Syria and the Ukraine. Furthermore, he holds veto power in the UN Security Council - thus preventing any international consensus or resolution from taking place. With each passing day, there is more and more blood on Putin's hands - starting with MA17.


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