Showing posts with label Kochroaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kochroaches. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Koching up some trouble

By Capt. Fogg

"Good Lord. These are truly evil people"
says The Impolitic and it's hard to disagree. Of course the people that thought it would be a "conservative" thing to do; giving struggling Detroit homeowners fake foreclosure notices, don't think they're being vandals trying to destabilize civilization and built a "conservative" Utopia on the ruins. In fact the Koch brothers who seem to be behind this prank have a vision for the future that more resembles an Orwellian horror with the part of Big Brother played by corporate robber barons like them and the sinister, black menace portrayed by Barack H. Obama. Their lackeys see it otherwise, I'm sure. A step in the final solution of the "colored problem" that the Liberals and do-gooders brought upon Detroit and a reaction to the stunning affront of ACORN having forced a black president on us -- a man nobody voted for, of course. The new North. It's the old South without the sheets.

It's truly hard to describe this sort of thing in the way we describe rational human conduct, because it isn't any more rational than drunken football hooliganism or beer hall riot -- and a hell of a lot more dangerous. It's all the more dangerous for the lack of attention given. today provides a bright colorful farrago of sex scandal, new Facebook features, the exploits of rappers and little else. Indeed what else concerns us?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


If not us, who?  If not now, when?

The invitation reads: “That question was posed by a member of our network of business and philanthropic leaders who are dedicated to defending our free society. We cannot rely on politicians to do so, so it is up to us to combat what is now the greatest assault on American freedom and prosperity in our lifetimes” [my bold].

The secret meeting will be held January 30-31, 2011, at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage, California.  Among the rumored list of attendees:

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Charles Koch (Koch Industries)
David Koch (Koch Industries)
John Childs (hedge fund trader)
Cliff Asness (hedge fund trader)
Steve Schwarzman (hedge fund trader)
Ken Griffin (hedge fund trader)
Phil Anschutz (AEG and diverse energy holdings)
Rich DeVos (co-founder of Amway)
Stephen Bechtel (Bechtel Corporation)
Kenneth Langone (Home Depot)

What are they planning?  Another White House Putsch?  This is not your friendly poker game.   Maybe more like cashing in their chips.