Showing posts with label Obamanomics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamanomics. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A poor sort of memory

Once I built a railroad, I made it run, made it race against time.
Once I built a railroad; now it's done. Brother, can you spare a dime?*
No, I'm not that bad off by any means, but there was a time, not long ago, when I bought yachts and sports cars and houses on a whim; gave houses and condos to my kids without the slightest worry and used the Queen Mary the way some people take the bus. I should have worried. I should have heeded the warning I gave my handful of readers: George W. Bush and the Republicans are playing a shell game with the economy. They're the house, we're the rubes and the house always wins.

Of course I was laughed at. I no longer hear from the guffawing gulls who insisted I was further to the left than Chairman Mao, that the market was sound, the war was going to pay for itself, that "Liberals" were not only focusing on the negative, but trying to precipitate a market panic just to make St George the Genius and God's favorite son look bad so they could bring on an era of Socialist/Fascist oppression. They've long since invented a new mythology to hide what they said and did; how I was right and they were wrong.

Of course we Liberals were being quite conservative in worrying about the fact that Reaganesque tax cuts have always done just what they just did again: worrying that trying to finance the most expensive war ( toldya so) we've had by depending on a solidly disproved dogma, by borrowing abroad rather than domestically and firing anyone who suggested fiscal or military foresight, worrying that the light at the end of the tunnel only they could see, was only the fires of fiscal hell.

Debt doesn't matter,
Don't you know,
St. Ron the Reagan told us so.

The born-again believers are washed clean and born again into a new mythos, one where the Black Satan caused the massive recession which continues to deepen because of government spending that used to be good but now is bad. That means that economists who say that not only has a 1929 reprise been averted, but it's slowly getting better are the new Liberals talking down the economy by talking it up. If you're a TeaParty twit, you need things to be getting worse and indeed they do believe. They need to believe that their taxes went up with Obama and believe they do.

'The market is up, all's well with the world' won't be their Christmas carol again this year. Even though the market is up -- the Teabaggers think it's not and is going down. They insist the recession is deepening, that we have a tyrant in office and they insist their taxes are up when they aren't. They still rage about Death Panels and rally around the Witch of Wasilla like she were Joan of Arc.

That means that a conservative approach to economic realities is once again seditious, once again farleftliberal propaganda and those liberal people from Business Week must be talking up the economy to undermine freedom, prosperity and free enterprise.
"If Obama was a Republican, we would hear a never-ending drumbeat of news stories about markets voting in favor of the President." says Dan Greenhaus, chief economic strategist for Miller Tabak + Co.
It's just the kind of farleftliberal stuff you might expect from an institutional trading firm in Jew Controlled New York rather than the illiterate hordes sucking up seditious stupidity from the teats of Mother Fox who know better.

"It's a poor sort of memory that works only backwards," said the Queen to Alice,
but of course she wasn't American and couldn't be expected to understand.

* "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime," lyrics by Yip Harburg, music by Jay Gorney (1931)