Sunday, September 21, 2008

keeping it personal

Resolved: that Squid and the Captain feel personally insulted by Palin's anti-female policies. I'm sure that Sarah doesn't care what you or I think because her opinions are God's will and we're just farleftliberals waiting for the Lake of Fire, but you can return the insult with a gift that serves two purposes. It will remind the McCain campaign that we aren't going to sit still while decades of progress are wiped out -- and it will help Planned Parenthood.

Kate Goldstein at Huffington Post suggests today that you make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name. They will send her a Thank You card. You will feel better, she will feel offended. It's only fair.

Make sure you use this link to the Planned Parenthood web site, and use the McCain headquarters address so that everyone at the viper's nest will see how you put your money where your mouth is:

McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202

Use that link above or choose the pull-down menu of Donate--Honorary or Memorial Donations, not the regular "Donate Online."


  1. I need to get myself on a McCain/Palin mailing list so I can receive direct mail requests for donations. There is method to this madness.

    Whenever a political campaign asks for money, a postage-paid reply envelope is usually supplied. The idea is to tape the reply envelop to a brick, return address on the outside, and drop it in any post box. It probably costs $5 or more to ship a brick.

    So instead of receiving a campaign contribution, they get a bill from the post office for delivering a brick.

  2. Planned Parenthood will be hearing from me - oh how deliciously appropriate.

    Thanks Cpt. Fogg for brightening my day.

  3. Palin's triumphant reception in Florida this weekend makes me all the more determined. I wonder if it's illegal to put a dead skunk in the mail.

  4. Fogg: I wonder if it's illegal to put a dead skunk in the mail.

    I needed a good laugh. Merci bien.


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