Are ya uncomfortable showering at the gym? Asked Rick Santorum of
students at a "Students for Life" rally last month. Apparently he
thought they should be, because there might be 'Liberals' in the shower
and you know they can't stop talking about abortion rights and saying
uncomfortable things. Of course Students for Life aren't lifetime
students nor are they particularly interested in preserving life in
general - only that of unbaptized embryos. But hey, Students for Imaginary Biblical Commandments is too long for people whose lips move when they read.
those are Rick's people. People who somehow see a point in his idiotic
jabberwocky. But even those people can't be expected to focus very long,
and so the pretense that liberals will follow you into the shower down at the YMCA to
discuss reproductive rights until you're uncomfortable is more likely
than that Rick's little village people will likely follow you anywhere and everywhere
to blather about not showering with Liberals.
It's all
about youth and beauty says Rick, incomprehensibly, but it's also all
about a culture of death that needs sparks and someone to rebel. If
that makes any kind of sense to you, I don't want you or Rick in my
shower. Particularly if you love people the way Rick and his
chosen claim to. Rick thinks his flock is very much like the liberals who
broke away from England, even though he's a Conservative and he thinks
conservatives did away with slavery and that's why we had to rebel.
Sorry If I'm making your stomach rebel.
Oh hell,
it's impossible to make sense of any of that passionately meaningless
garbage about -- about whatever it is he's blathering about, about what
'the left' has done to America in recent times. Those are basically
meaningless things he says, even when he says they aren't, but don't
look for anything more than the barking of dogs at a Santorum giggle
gallery, because people who think it's OK to kill children and people
who are so retarded and mentally ill they don't know right from wrong,
are people who don't get to gurgle and gobble and gargle about anyone's
right to remain alive even when that "someone" isn't a someone. I
doubt his audience needs a coherent or factual argument anyway.
They're mostly looking for a comfortable venue to express their
righteous contempt and those things only get in the way of the
self-esteem they think they acquire from being a "conservative" at best.
You need to hear it,
because it's none too early, with the Republicans beginning their
campaign of meaningless babble and emotional idiocy and self-righteous
lies. This idiot intends to run for president again and he will have
followers again and this expression of the worst, most retrograde
manifestation of human meanness and stupidity will always be with us.
Showing posts with label Reproductive rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reproductive rights. Show all posts
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Are We Not Men?
Not to go on all-fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?
-H.G. Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau-
I'd hate to make anyone think I'm an optimist. I'm not even sure I care too much about the human race aside from a few individuals, but that's what pessimism is about -- a cosmic frame of reference that sees no permanence; that sees everything that is on the way up as inevitably on the way down.
Perhaps not caring gives a clearer vision. If it doesn't matter in the end that voting rights are in peril, or at least under continuing assault, then the failure of the Texas legislature to pass a bill further restricting abortion rights despite a ten hour filibuster by Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis, is less likely to be overshadowed. She might have gone on but was ruled to have drifted off topic amidst a chorus of boos and catcalls, and the bill was declared dead at 3 AM.
For those of us who still hope for sweeping reformation and the triumph of truth and justice for all, it's a little and perhaps temporary victory over the animal meanness of human nature and as Dr Moreau learned, you can dress up the animal and teach it to walk on two legs, you can make it recite pledges and formulae, you can make up stories about divine origins, but the beast is still a beast and evolution is so slow.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Tales of the Bizarro World
Remember Bizarro World, where everything is its opposite? As Superman said, "If I win this crazy game, these Super-Creatures will say I lose" Hit the ball over the fence and they'll call you out.
Somehow this has been the tactic behind Republican campaigns since that great Victim, elder statesman and non-crook Richard Nixon was forced to resign rather than be convicted of burglary and obstruction. Everything is its opposite, the loonies run the asylum. Democrats want to oppress women by allowing them to use birth control, or get innoculated against HPV and by not forcing them to give birth to two-headed, hydrocephalic offspring of rapists. Democrats (according to radio ads for Allen West) want to take away our Social Security, while the Army Colonel who had to resign rather than face 11 years in Leavenworth for war crimes is a "war hero."
Of course it's not just Republicans, it's the Christian Right some of whom insist that "you can't be a Christian if you don't own a gun" Just like Jesus would if Jesus were his own opposite.
Dr. Gary Cass, with heavy-hitter credentials in the Republican Party and the Bizarro World of forcing militant, heavily armed Christianity upon America and the World -- Dr. Gary who now heads the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, perhaps another exercise in contradictory rhetorical gymnastics, insists that Christians need guns because those Satanic, non-cult members want to kill babies and allow people to marry in contradiction of Dr. Gary Cass's 'moral' compass. Bizarre enough for ya? Is he saying that these "Christians" need to kill doctors and blow up women's health clinics in the name of morality? Sounds like it to me, but then it could mean the opposite, couldn't it?
Could it be that the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission is the Bizarro way of being the Defamation-of-everyone-else-Commission? Certainly, or of course not, depending on whether you're a Bizarre Super Creature or a rational human being. If you are a Bizarro creature, you see, Victims are victimizing the persecutors and the ancient institution that's been persecuting others for millennia, is the Victim here: the victim of the victims and if you shoot someone for not obeying you, why you're the victim. Just like Jesus.
When arguing with the Right, you can't win because they'll declare you the loser, just Like Superman said -- so should I declare that you can't be a Liberal, or even that you can't be moral if you don't own a gun? Sounds Bizarro right to me -- make mine a Kalshnikov.
Somehow this has been the tactic behind Republican campaigns since that great Victim, elder statesman and non-crook Richard Nixon was forced to resign rather than be convicted of burglary and obstruction. Everything is its opposite, the loonies run the asylum. Democrats want to oppress women by allowing them to use birth control, or get innoculated against HPV and by not forcing them to give birth to two-headed, hydrocephalic offspring of rapists. Democrats (according to radio ads for Allen West) want to take away our Social Security, while the Army Colonel who had to resign rather than face 11 years in Leavenworth for war crimes is a "war hero."
Of course it's not just Republicans, it's the Christian Right some of whom insist that "you can't be a Christian if you don't own a gun" Just like Jesus would if Jesus were his own opposite.
Dr. Gary Cass, with heavy-hitter credentials in the Republican Party and the Bizarro World of forcing militant, heavily armed Christianity upon America and the World -- Dr. Gary who now heads the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, perhaps another exercise in contradictory rhetorical gymnastics, insists that Christians need guns because those Satanic, non-cult members want to kill babies and allow people to marry in contradiction of Dr. Gary Cass's 'moral' compass. Bizarre enough for ya? Is he saying that these "Christians" need to kill doctors and blow up women's health clinics in the name of morality? Sounds like it to me, but then it could mean the opposite, couldn't it?
Could it be that the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission is the Bizarro way of being the Defamation-of-everyone-else-Commission? Certainly, or of course not, depending on whether you're a Bizarre Super Creature or a rational human being. If you are a Bizarro creature, you see, Victims are victimizing the persecutors and the ancient institution that's been persecuting others for millennia, is the Victim here: the victim of the victims and if you shoot someone for not obeying you, why you're the victim. Just like Jesus.
When arguing with the Right, you can't win because they'll declare you the loser, just Like Superman said -- so should I declare that you can't be a Liberal, or even that you can't be moral if you don't own a gun? Sounds Bizarro right to me -- make mine a Kalshnikov.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Let them get pregnant, like God intended.

What's worse than a bunch of creepy old man religious perverts conspiring against the health and well being of women? Well, perhaps a creepy young woman trying to make sure -- using copious amounts of taxpayer money -- to fight a requirement that health insurers cover the modest cost of birth control. Worse still, she's fighting something that in some cases is a medical necessity and in very many cases will prevent women from becoming unable to work and winding up in poverty and their children on public assistance.
Such things don't seem to matter to GOP apparatchiks like Pam Bondi, Florida Attorney General who is suing the Federal Government over the Affordable Care Act, a law that is starting to provide health care to Florida's 4.5 million uninsured and access to contraception. As the ACA will come before the US Supreme Court this month, the redundancy of this suit is as obvious as the smug unconcern Bondi has for truth, justice and freedom from the tyranny of religious nuts.
Sold as another attempt at "smaller" government, it's really nothing but a power play by the Religious Rich to make their perverted, obsessive, inhumane and antique dogmas into public policy no matter the cost. Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi may not be one of these foul, disgusting old men, but she sure as hell works for them while collecting a salary paid by the people she'd like to keep barefoot and pregnant and poor and in thrall to the superstition salesmen with the effrontery to use our freedom of religion and our tax revenues against us.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The show ain't over until the pregnant lady sings
Well, it's been a week or two, and the American public, with their beagle-puppy attention span, can no longer remember the little tiff between Planned Parenthood and the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
(For those of you slipping into a CNN-induced haze, Karen Handel resigned as Senior Vice President for Public Policy of the Susan G Komen Foundation; she was widely accepted as being responsible for Komen deciding to defund Planned Parenthood.)
Being a Republican, Handel is, of course, wandering around trying to play the victim card, because martyrdom is the default strategy of the Right. Fortunately, the previously-mentioned attention span problem has pushed her deep into the sidelines where she belongs.
Her resignation letter included the following fascinating viewpoint.
"the controversy related to Planned Parenthood has long been a concern to the organization"
Really? Has it, now?
Komen founder Nancy Brinker published Promise Me in 2010, a memoir about starting the Susan G. Komen Foundation because of a deathbed promise to her eponymous sister.
Consider this excerpt (from, remember, just two years ago):
Now, despite her attempts to claim that she resigned in the face of a hostile "liberal media" (and, holy crap, do I wish that there was such a thing as a "liberal media"), considering the big picture, I'm personally willing to say that she didn't really resign, so much as she was forced out; at the very least, she put in her resignation before she would have been fired.
Why do I suggest this? (And let's be honest - I'm not "suggesting" it, I'm coming right out and saying it.) Because she wasn't very good at her job. She, in fact, failed badly, just a few months after being hired.
Remember, the job she was hired for was Senior Vice President for Public Policy.
Put aside your politics. Your personal feelings on "freedom of choice" vs. "abortion" don't make a bit of difference to the following argument. If anything, they get in the way. Suppress them for just a minute.
The evidence shows that she was the person pushing the policy to immediately stop funding Planned Parenthood. And that, by itself, is a blatantly stupid policy: when dealing with a group who hires as many lawyers as Planned Parenthood does, one truth should hold sway over every other consideration: if you publicly promise to give them money, you damned well follow through on that promise!
Lawyers love stuff like that. They can't even stand straight from the law-boner it gives them.
So, bad policy. From the Senior Vice President for Public Policy.
Second, and more important, "Senior Vice President for Public Policy" is an extremely fancy, extremely well-paid PR position. She's managing the public face of this charitable empire: the policies she sets up and advocates define how people see the Susan G. Komen Foundation. And when they end up looking like political hacks instead of public health advocates, somebody isn't doing their job.
Like, maybe, somebody in charge of Public Policy.
So, in the end, Ms Handel will probably get a book deal out of it, and a paying gig at Fox "News" whenever the subject of abortion comes up.
More importantly, what we have to do is keep an eye on the Susan G. Komen Foundation during the next round of grants. Because if they try to quietly stop giving grants to Planned Parenthood in the shadow of all this, that will tell us something about them, won't it?
(For those of you slipping into a CNN-induced haze, Karen Handel resigned as Senior Vice President for Public Policy of the Susan G Komen Foundation; she was widely accepted as being responsible for Komen deciding to defund Planned Parenthood.)
Being a Republican, Handel is, of course, wandering around trying to play the victim card, because martyrdom is the default strategy of the Right. Fortunately, the previously-mentioned attention span problem has pushed her deep into the sidelines where she belongs.
Her resignation letter included the following fascinating viewpoint.
We can all agree that this is a challenging and deeply unsettling situation for all involved in the fight against breast cancer. However, Komen’s decision to change its granting strategy and exit the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood and its grants was fully vetted by every appropriate level within the organization. At the November Board meeting, the Board received a detailed review of the new model and related criteria. As you will recall, the Board specifically discussed various issues, including the need to protect our mission by ensuring we were not distracted or negatively affected by any other organization’s real or perceived challenges. No objections were made to moving forward.Just so you know, there are a bunch of huge lies in those two little paragraphs. Let's consider two of them.
I am deeply disappointed by the gross mischaracterizations of the strategy, its rationale, and my involvement in it. I openly acknowledge my role in the matter and continue to believe our decision was the best one for Komen’s future and the women we serve. However, the decision to update our granting model was made before I joined Komen, and the controversy related to Planned Parenthood has long been a concern to the organization. Neither the decision nor the changes themselves were based on anyone’s political beliefs or ideology.
"the controversy related to Planned Parenthood has long been a concern to the organization"
Really? Has it, now?
Komen founder Nancy Brinker published Promise Me in 2010, a memoir about starting the Susan G. Komen Foundation because of a deathbed promise to her eponymous sister.
Consider this excerpt (from, remember, just two years ago):
In the book, she discusses how the Curves workout chain withdrew their support to Komen in 2004 due to Komen's grants to Planned Parenthood centers. Brinker is clear about why they refused to buckle to Curves' pressure:And despite Handel trying to claim that it was Foundation policy and she was just trying to enforce it, the people she worked with don't agree: it was entirely her doing, she came up with the excuse needed to defund, and she was the primary motivator pushing it through."The grants in question supplied breast health counseling, screening, and treatment to rural women, poor women, Native American women, many women of color who were underserved--if served at all--in areas where Planned Parenthood facilities were often the only infrastructure available. Though it meant losing corporate money from Curves, we were not about to turn our backs on these women."
Now, despite her attempts to claim that she resigned in the face of a hostile "liberal media" (and, holy crap, do I wish that there was such a thing as a "liberal media"), considering the big picture, I'm personally willing to say that she didn't really resign, so much as she was forced out; at the very least, she put in her resignation before she would have been fired.
Why do I suggest this? (And let's be honest - I'm not "suggesting" it, I'm coming right out and saying it.) Because she wasn't very good at her job. She, in fact, failed badly, just a few months after being hired.
Remember, the job she was hired for was Senior Vice President for Public Policy.
Put aside your politics. Your personal feelings on "freedom of choice" vs. "abortion" don't make a bit of difference to the following argument. If anything, they get in the way. Suppress them for just a minute.
The evidence shows that she was the person pushing the policy to immediately stop funding Planned Parenthood. And that, by itself, is a blatantly stupid policy: when dealing with a group who hires as many lawyers as Planned Parenthood does, one truth should hold sway over every other consideration: if you publicly promise to give them money, you damned well follow through on that promise!
Lawyers love stuff like that. They can't even stand straight from the law-boner it gives them.
So, bad policy. From the Senior Vice President for Public Policy.
Second, and more important, "Senior Vice President for Public Policy" is an extremely fancy, extremely well-paid PR position. She's managing the public face of this charitable empire: the policies she sets up and advocates define how people see the Susan G. Komen Foundation. And when they end up looking like political hacks instead of public health advocates, somebody isn't doing their job.
Like, maybe, somebody in charge of Public Policy.
So, in the end, Ms Handel will probably get a book deal out of it, and a paying gig at Fox "News" whenever the subject of abortion comes up.
More importantly, what we have to do is keep an eye on the Susan G. Komen Foundation during the next round of grants. Because if they try to quietly stop giving grants to Planned Parenthood in the shadow of all this, that will tell us something about them, won't it?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
keeping it personal
Resolved: that Squid and the Captain feel personally insulted by Palin's anti-female policies. I'm sure that Sarah doesn't care what you or I think because her opinions are God's will and we're just farleftliberals waiting for the Lake of Fire, but you can return the insult with a gift that serves two purposes. It will remind the McCain campaign that we aren't going to sit still while decades of progress are wiped out -- and it will help Planned Parenthood.
Kate Goldstein at Huffington Post suggests today that you make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name. They will send her a Thank You card. You will feel better, she will feel offended. It's only fair.
Make sure you use this link to the Planned Parenthood web site, and use the McCain headquarters address so that everyone at the viper's nest will see how you put your money where your mouth is:
Kate Goldstein at Huffington Post suggests today that you make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name. They will send her a Thank You card. You will feel better, she will feel offended. It's only fair.
Make sure you use this link to the Planned Parenthood web site, and use the McCain headquarters address so that everyone at the viper's nest will see how you put your money where your mouth is:
McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202
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