Sunday, October 5, 2008

Terrible Sarah the terrorist

Most people who only know me casually are surprised that I'm interested in politics. I rarely talk about it in this coven of Republicans. That's changed recently. I've begun to tell off the people who forward me these e-mails claiming Obama was put through school by Muslim extremists from Malaysia, that Obama is "palling around with people who attacked America" and horror of horrors, was seen wearing a USMC T-shirt when he hadn't "earned" it.

It's hard to tell which GOP cesspool some of these things come from, but the business about Obama being best buddies with Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers comes from Sarah Palin - you know, the same Sarah who believes in witches and knows all about Russia because someone told her you could see an uninhabited rock from a tiny Alaskan island she's never been to.

She's been making the Slime Circuit, or cruising the Bullshit Belt if you prefer, telling the folks that Obama is a terrorist and a friend of terrorists. She cites a New York Times article as a source although, true to the Palin Practice, the article does not say anything of the sort and that's been affirmed by most of the mainstream media. Of course back when Ayers was raising hell trying to stop the Vietnam war by blowing things up, Obama was thousands of miles away and eight years old. They do, now that Ayers is a 63 year old professor at the University of Chicago, live in the same neighborhood and both once did sit on the board of the Annenberg Foundation, but that's as far as it goes. Close enough though for someone devoid of conscience, uncaring enough for responsibility and in utter contempt of truth like Sarah Palin.

Of course if having once said hello to a former radical makes one a terrorist, then the U of C, who employs Ayers as a professor must be an al Qaeda stronghold, but I'm rapidly running out of cynicism here. I'm just too damned angry.

Actually, if anyone is effectively participating in terrorizing Americans and interfering with the democratic process, it's Slimy Sarah and now we know why she was selected. It would have been damned hard to find anyone else low enough, un-American enough, deranged enough to believe her own lies. She allows McCain to wash his hands and pretend to be unsullied. She allows bigots and racists to pretend they have legitimate reasons for hating Obama.


  1. Agreed -- I don't think Palin has any credibility among the sentient. She is a mean-spirited, provincial wannabe who relies on her good looks and folksy "cuteness" to get her way. Obama's mention of the fact that he was about eight years old when Ayers was acting up is all that need be said on this issue, though of course it will need to be said a good many times. The economy is so bad that this slimeball stuff will probably bounce right off Obama. He is his own best argument: opponents tag him with ridiculous labels, but he doesn't conform to them in his appearance or comportment. Anyone who looks at Obama and sees a radical or a terrorist sympathizer is an idiot, pure and simple.

  2. idiots to right of him,
    morons to left of him,
    bigots in front of him
    Volley'd and thunder'd;
    Storm'd at with sleaze and slime,
    etc. etc.

    I just told someone I would no longer have anything to do with her because she sends me hysterical screeds insisting that the only reason Obama could have gone to college was to accept terrorist money.

    I'm going to be a lonesome boy pretty soon.

  3. I can't talk about that woman today - I'm beginning to feel physically effected by this whole thing - truly. Stomach in knots, etc.

    As for you FOGG - what kind of people do you hang out with in your real world? My goodness! I feel your pain - as I mentioned once I've had a falling out myself with a friend over SP. But remember - we here at SwashZone understand!

    Virtual unloneliness, as it were? Maybe?

    (ok - I tried . . . )

  4. The sad thing is that I belong to a number of public service organizations and the people I know in them are largely retired, affluent and pathologically Republican.

    Somehow they have lost all critical faculties along life's long road and are prone to sending me dumb virus warnings and every transparent hoax they run into.

    Hey, if it weren't for places like this to remind me that not everyone is a moron, it would be a lonely world.


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