Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The unbearable Liberalness of Truth

Remember when Sarah Palin asked just what it was that Vice Presidents do? Evidently, she's seen a post card of Washington so now she's qualified to tell us:
"[T]hey’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes."
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

According to a spokeswoman for Mrs. Palin, the statement was a reply to a third grader's question; as though the innocence of the listener justified a misstatement of Vice Presidential powers. In a year or so, that child will have to learn What the qualified Mrs. Palin has yet to learn: that the VP is not in charge of the Senate; unless of course the constitution has been by then abandoned in favor of "whatever the Party says."

Of course Palin, like George W. is fond of talking to us as though we were all in the third grade and none too bright. It's easier to do than to appear intelligent and it appeals to those who read and think at that level and it's typical of many cult leaders. Listen to tapes of Jim Jones, for instance: he refers to his wife as "mother" and explains things like the need to drink the poison to his followers as though they were babies not old enough to know that the cyanide in the Flavor-Aid was for their own good because the Liberals were out to ruin them.

Perhaps that's an exaggeration, but I don't think so. The people who will readily believe that Palin can as VP, draft legislation, that she's as competant in world affairs as Zbigniew Brzezinski because she could, if she wanted to, but never has seen an unihabited arctic island; the people who will fight you to the death to defend their position that Obama is an Islamic terrorist: these people are cult members. You and I are the enemy and they are not stupid at all. It's just that the facts have a Liberal Bias.


  1. We live in an age of "truthiness," as Stephen Colbert says. That damn liberal gotcha media with its facts and followup questions! I think the ultimate level of truthiness is Cheney's spinning of the truism "elections have consequences" into the constitutional theory that once they win, the president and vice president get to do anything they want for four years. I guess if you're a right-winger, it just feels good to say that and better yet to act on it.

  2. I wanted to ask on an earlier post - relevant here to - so if FOX & co consider wikipedia, factcheck, etc to be liberally biased then what factual sources DO they consider unliberally biased? Apart from the bible.

  3. Probably Dick Cheney is the gold standard for them. A man with a crooked grin like that just has to be telling the truth....

  4. Hello Cap,
    Well, we are obviously not all third graders, just MOST of us are. And that is why we listen to and believe this bullshit. We do so just like the third grade followers of Jim Jones did. Americans believe anything they see or hear, whether on the TV or radio or on the internet or in the newspaper. That fact is the very heart of the negative campaign advertising that we are bombarded with day and night.

    Both parties know that we will suck up like like strawberry malts anything they say, no matter how absurd or outlandish. We don't know any better. We are sheep, and all we want is a shepard, no matter how ignorant, unqualified, moronic or fanatical to protect us from the (unseen) evil and lead us to wherever he wants to take us.
    God, we are a disgusting bunch.

  5. You're preaching to the converted - I'm a misanthrope of long standing.
    It's supremely mystifying that a country that loves to tell you government is bad and can never be trusted, can still tear you apart if you don't believe the government propaganda.

    We treasure the idea of an adversary class - those pesky liberals - because they are a license to disbelieve anything we want to disbelieve, like the idea that the economy is unstable, like the idea that the government lied to us. . .

  6. Squid: what factual sources DO they consider unliberally biased? Apart from the bible.

    Start here at the Conservapedia.

    Here are Examples of Bias in Wikipedia according to Conserva-whatever. And here is their mission statement:

    Conservapedia is a clean and concise resource for those seeking the truth. We do not allow liberal bias to deceive and distort here. Founded initially in November 2006 as a way to educate advanced, college-bound homeschoolers, this resource has grown into a marvelous source of information for students, adults and teachers alike …

    No other encyclopedic resource on the internet is free of corruption by liberal untruths. Please look around while you're here, share this with others, edit your favorite entries, and enjoy the benefits of new insights that you never realized before. For example, do you know why pretzels have their shape [my bold]? Click it to find out!

    Why pretzels have their shape? Just the kind of information every Joe Six-Pack would want to know.

  7. I think I came across that site or a similar one because I read about it somewhere. I visited for, oh, ten or fifteen seconds, which was long enough to see that it was truly the labor of love of a confederacy of dunces. So Conservapedia, anything Dick Cheney says, and selected passages from the Bible -- i.e. not the ones where that radical liberal socialist commie Jesus keeps railing away at the rich and telling them to donate the Hummer II to charity and follow him.

  8. Dino - you crack me up sometimes! I too am want to refer to JC as the original passivist, socialist 1960's hippy! And I always say that with admiration for the man who once walked this earth (religious connotations aside).

    Octopus - I guess I shouldn't be surprised to learn of conservapedia. But, of course, this begs the question - soooooo - how is conservative bias any more helpful than liberal bias for the ascertaining of "truth?" I mean really - CONSERVApedia?! At least wikipedia does not call itself LIBERALpedia. Oh wait - silly me - that's probably because wikipedia is subversively hiding its "true" nature. Pardon my momentary ignorance there.


  9. And another thing! Don't ya love the assumption that home schoolers are of a conservative mindset?!

  10. Yes, that Jesus fellow needed a good trip to the barber. As for home schoolers, I was under the impression that a lot of their parents are by and large on the right of the political spectrum. Am I missing the right statistics there? I really don't know since my opinion is only based on personal experience.

  11. Dino - I agree - my personal experience/knowledge is that home schoolers are liberals.

    However - I remember seeing a news piece once about evangelicals homeschooling because creationism wasn't being taught in their districts. Perhaps this is the audience conservapedia was referring to?


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