Friday, November 21, 2008


A continuing saga:  The youngest and last of my surviving octopode offspring (the other 199,997 were unceremoniously eaten) has released me from the chain letter curse.  I am pleased to report that my mini-8pus continues to mature and grow in theological sophistication with each passing day.  Here is the latest contribution:

Is there something about this exchange that reminds you of blogging?


  1. I will have to consult my K9 constituency (all three of them) to see where I should be on this issue.

    Theologically, there is no reference in the Bible for dogs being admitted, but then again there is no reference saying there isn't either. Quite the political sticky-wicket.

    I think it is the perfect visual description of

  2. First, I have to get up off the floor where I have been rolling in fits of laughter!
    Personally, I hope to be reunited in the hereafter with all my dogs and pet rocks who have gone before me.
    With all those offspring 8pus, I think your corner of heaven is going to get a little crowded...

  3. There is way too much of this that reminds me of blogging! My pet rock named "rock" was my best friend growing up and he better be in Heaven when I get there. :-)

  4. There isn't a damned thing in my bible about anyone going to heaven other than perhaps Ezekiel. Nothing about souls either, even though "breath of life" gets mistranslated that way.

    Of course some more civilized religions think everything has a soul, even if individuality doesn't adhere to them, but if Yhwh doesn't think much of dogs, it's just more evidence that he's such a jerk.

  5. This is the kind of high-level theologically debate that I love!

  6. Having conducted a private study of comparative religiousity myself, it is my considered opinion that it far more likely dogs will get to heaven that it is the fundies will...

  7. The word "Animal" means something with a soul (Latin: "anima"). I have no idea if dogs go to heaven, but let's at least know what we're talking about.

  8. Luke 1:46

    Magnificat anima mea Dominum.

    God, what a magnificent animal is my cat? So we can at least be sure cats get promoted. Hey - it's the word O God, right?

  9. Let the dogs go to heaven and send the fundies all to hell.

    Terry C - Yes, We Did!

  10. Lorem ipsum Squid sit amet, Captain Fogg adipiscing elit. ExpatBrian ultricies, tellus sit amet semper (O)CT(O)PUS, enim dui Maleeper nisl, Bloggingdino bibendum massa erat in nisl. Rockync consequat, mi a repsac3 scelerisque, velit risus Robert pulvinar velit, et sollicitudin Jennifer lectus dui a orci. Duis quis Chris sem. Ut Libby consequat lacus. Aliquam Spocko iaculis.

  11. Stop showing off, 8pus! So is that a swear word or are you just happy to see me? LOL!

  12. Rocky, I'm always happy to see you.

  13. What is this -- a Starbucks menu?

    Nonne ficut lac mulsiste me?

  14. Some of you have commented about 8pus showing off.

    Here is my humble confession: The comment (at 11:59 pm, November 23) contains copy-fitting text used for page layouts. Its purpose is to occupy space on a page until real text takes its place. Thus, it is nonesense text and doesn't mean anything ... kinda like the noise uttered by Fundies.

    I thought inserting the names of fellow Swash Zoners inside the nonesense text made it even more silly. Hah!

  15. I still say it looks like a Starbucks menu.

  16. Awwwww! You mean you weren't flirting with me!?! Gee, consequat sounded like such a flirty word!
    Although Fogg has a point; it COULD be a Starbucks menu. It's about as understandable as one!

  17. Fine, fine, fine. Starbucks, if you insist. Then may I recommend a Latté Laxativo and Mocha motet, a requiem mass in six parts in which the cantus firmus churns slowly followed by a polyphonic speed-up of tempo, and then everyone trots off to the restroom.


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