Sunday, November 23, 2008

We used to pray for them, but it's all over now

Well the word is out on Main Street - Tim Geithner can't be trusted as Treasury Secretary because he is Jewish and Jews have divided loyalty. I was interested to hear that and not just because Geithner's family assures us he's an Episcopalian raised and married in that Church.

Is the phony honeymoon over? That the Republicans may be abandoning their pretense of being in love with Israel is a possibility. One perennial Troll at The Reaction called me "an arrogant Kike" for having asserted that no, Barney Frank bears no discernible responsibility for our global recession; but it's really too soon to tell if the frustrated masses yearning to breathe fire will switch scapegoats and replace witches, Liberals, illegal aliens and the ACLU as hate objects. Maybe they consider all those straw men to be Jewish anyway.

Of course it's hard to think of any immigrant group that isn't or hasn't been accused of divided loyalty in this nation of immigrants. John Kennedy stared down that bit of bigoted Waspery with grace nearly 50 years ago, but ask a Muslim -- hell, ask someone who isn't a Muslim but has a suggestive name.

Of course it doesn't often occur except to cynics, that preaching the impending destruction of mankind and the dissolution of secular nationhood might be taken as a dilemma in as much as commitment to preserving the USA and praying for lakes of fire and brimstone aren't compatible, at least to me. I can't think of loyalty more divided than that of the Religious Right, promoting the Christian Bible as the foundation of the United States rather than its secular Constitution. I can't help but think of divided loyalty when presented with a candidate who looks longingly forward to the destruction of our country and the flight of the elect to the Holy Kingdom of God in Alaska (no witches may apply.)


  1. Now, don't be shy, Fogg, just let it all out. I'm glad it's not me being lashed by that razor sharp tongue and quick wit! LOL!
    As long as the "conservatives" are busy complaining about the "ignorant masses" who voted in the socialist, Muslim, celebrity Obama and how we all gonna die now, they will not be able to further their "less is more unless it goes against our narrow definition" ideology.
    Sorry, Robert, but that is how I see much of the conservative side blogging these days. There are exceptions, but it's going to be a tough climb if you can't get more people on board. And while I hear all about how conservatives want to ensure individual freedoms, the next line will most likely be about some further restriction to said rights if they clash with conservative idealism.
    Too many contradictions - you'll have to keep it simple if you want to win over any of those ignorant voters.

  2. Capt. Fogg,

    Yes, the goal seems to be to sow division wherever possible. The volume’s up right now because the extreme right is humiliated, which makes them go even nuttier than they already were—which was impressively nutty to begin with. I read an article the other day to the effect that Klan activity has spiked, for example.

    Barney Frank is a delightful politician – he may have his imperfections, but he really frustrates the far-right-wingers: he’s witty, educated, unapologetically queer as a three-dollar bill, and defiantly liberal. He has a way of dealing with the far right’s gender-saturated bullying (read: hateful, contempt-drenched “feminization” of everything they dislike) that they find infuriating. The trick doesn’t work on old Barney. He’s a good guy to have around, especially since masculinist bullying works so well on so many Democratic politicians. Barneys to the fore, I say! No one will confuse him with Barney the Dinosaur, but that’s fine by me.

    And speaking of reptiles, I was outraged at the rationale given by Minnesota recounters for throwing out a ballot for Al Franken just because the voter wrote in “Lizard People.” It is manifest that a dinosaur stepped into that booth, voted for Al Franken, and then, in a burst of dino pride, made it clear that “Lizard People” support Al. (Of course, that counts as identifying your ballot, which disqualifies it…. But the counters might have at least got the reason right, instead of calling it an overvote. Speciesists!)

  3. bloggingdino - I thought that Lizard People vote was pretty prejudicial, too.
    Barney Frank may not be of a reptilian ancestry but he does have a tough hide.
    Capt Fogg - how dare that ignorant pinhead use a Yiddish word he doesn't understand! I went over to the Reaction to straighten him out!

  4. Captain Fogg, when German words fail, tell him off in French:

    C'est toujours les plus cons qui se prennent pas pour de la petite merde. Va te faire foutre!

    Bloggingdino: Species narcissists, those hyoomanz! Lizard liberation (with libations)!

  5. Thanks Rocky. The ambassador from Trollhattan is gone, it seems, but I'm sure he will return. He always does, but French would drive him mad too because to him any evidence of non-provincial status is proof of arrogance if not the dreaded "liberalism.".


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