Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What we have here is a failure to cogitate

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sees 2010 recovery "only if" markets and banks stabilize, says Bloomberg.com. I see prospects for cheap, aerial fertilizer delivery if pigs learn to fly.

Listening to songs that have "degrading lyrics" may cause teenagers to have more sex. So said Dr. Brian A. Primack, a pediatrician and co- author of a study released Tuesday. Yep and a billion or so years of evolution contribute to the tendency too, but thanks Brian -- I think I understand much better now. It's a bit like insisting that to grant veteran's benefits to Filipino soldiers who fought alongside General McArthur will hasten the financial collapse of the US economy or that unplugging your cell phone charger will "save the planet."

I feel lucky if I can save my sanity.


  1. Sheesh, tonight after listening to President Obama's address, I had to listen to Bobby Jingo represent the Slumdog Millionaires of the Republican Party.

  2. Now, now...that was racist.

    I just wish they would give up on all these short people....

  3. Good morning, TAO, and welcome back. The above comment came out the wrong way. It was meant to be an expression of exasperation for the same old talking points that got us into this mess ... and the progress we could have made instead of the waste of American treasure on misadventures and failed policy.

    BTW, I'm a short octopus.

  4. Short people? I resemble that remark.

  5. Octy...

    I understand your frustration...

    You would think that someplace in the vastness of American brillance we would be able to locate a new idea, a new way of doing things...

    But no....

    All we hear are Pet Projects, Earmarks, and Tax Cuts...

    I didn't listen to the speeches last night...figured I pretty much wasn't going to hear anything new...

    I would actually like to see our focus turn from the stock market and its performance to median household income and or average personal income as a measurement of our economic growth....

    I know everyone would start going on and on about inflation...

    But we have proven that you can have full employment and low inflation

  6. I could not agree more. For years we've been told everything is great because the Dow was going up, even though the standard of living for the bulk of us was stagnating or declining.

    As long as any new idea can be effectively dismissed by chanting Liberaliberal or dour predictions of a Marxist takeover, or by the media giving equal and uncritical respect for lies, deceptions, fabrications and malignant propaganda, we're not going to hear any new ideas.

    But I'm beginning to have hope. I had lunch with an ultra-conservative Republicans today and all had been impressed with Obama's recent speeches and actions. These guys were all old enough to remember the last great depression.

  7. Oh, by the way, do remember how little you've heard from Randy Newman after his song about how short people have no right to live.

    Perhaps he should have remembered the international cabal of short people who actually control everything.

    Not that I'm threatening anybody ;-)

  8. Yep, that song by Randy Newman plays on my MYSPACE profile! :)

    Greatest song ever written!

  9. TAO, Captain Fogg and Octopus may be short, but we are larger than life !!


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