Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Goodbye, Faux News.  Goodbye, AIG. Goodbye, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh and the Congressional Republicans. Octopus is hitching a ride on the space shuttle in search of inhabitable exo-planets.  The cephalopods are massing; the Octocalypse is near!

Here is today’s question:  A gaggle of geese, a school of fish, a pod of dolphins … what do you call a ____________________ of humans?


  1. I'm divided between a mob and a crock.

    Incredible launch. It was so quiet and still, we could hear the rumble although it was a long time after the shuttle was out of sight.

    Vede mecum!

  2. I'll vote for mob.

    And, because so many humans are sheep, I'll offer up "flock."

  3. May I offer up: "Chemical Waste Dump?"

  4. Don't forget a "murder" of ravens and a "parliament" of owls.

  5. Can I swear?

    I've just arrived home after spending an extra 45 mins driving 10 miles and hour in road construction. Do you know how many people don't understand "Right lane closed, merge left?"

    My vote is "a clusterf**k of humans!

  6. Speaking of car-based swearing . . . I have noticed ever since my profanity post that most of my cussing occurs when a driver talking on her/his cel phone causes my life to pass before my eyes.

    As for the question of the day -

    - "circus of humans"

  7. I've always liked a "murmuration of starlings" and an "exaltation of larks."


    a miasma of humans.

  8. Considering the tone of my site since I decided hit count was more important than quality blogging fare, I submit "A brothel of humans."

    Thank you for the respite from the blogging red light district.

  9. Yes, hit counts are kind of like the AIG bonus logic.

    I say put me on that launch and take me to your leader....

    So, exactly what do hit counts get you at the end of the day? Besides the satisfaction of knowing that your fellow citizens are attracted to smut more than logic?

    I decided to, in one post, feature a picture of a Palin, mention abortion, gay marriage, and sleeping around....

  10. ..."I will call them... selfish But, I feel that's make no sense, considering fishes are wonderful creatures! however my word ..."soulfish" .
    Delfino Curioso

  11. Welcome, Miroslava. Glad you found the Zone.


We welcome civil discourse from all people but express no obligation to allow contributors and readers to be trolled. Any comment that sinks to the level of bigotry, defamation, personal insults, off-topic rants, and profanity will be deleted without notice.