Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fox and its victims

One of our local solons has scrawled his opinion in the local paper that President Obama is a failure because while engaged in "befriending our enemies" and leading us toward Marxism, Socialism and Fascism in a manner so obvious that anyone who doesn't agree "hates America," he has "no answer for anything -- as is illustrated by having no solution for the piracy problem.

I don't watch Fox News, because I don't support villainy and sedition, so I don't know whether they have covered the US Navy's recapture of the Maersk Alabama from pirates. Yes, the American captain is still a hostage and that's because Obama is too cowardly to be dropped on board the pirate vessel with cutlass and pistol while growling ARRRRRR through the knife in his clenched teeth -- just like Reagan would do if this whole thing were a 1950's B movie. None the less, the US Navy is there despite Obama's pants-wetting cowardice, and reinforcements, including a counter-piracy task force, are on the way.

Meanwhile the wine-besotted surrender monkeys from France have successfully stormed another vessel freeing 4 hostages and killing the pirates. One hostage was killed. A multinational force is assembling in the region as a response to the increase in Somali piracy, but of course "Obama has no answer." Obvious to the Fox poisoned as well, is the fact that Obama has no answer to anything because he hasn't yet undone the damage done by the pirates George Bush sponsored on Wall Street and in the lending industry. It must be cowardice of course, unless it's the Marxist/Socialist/Fascist/Muslim extremist thing. Perhaps it's his cowardice that prevents him from continuing the "Kiss my ass you wog or we'll blow you all to hell" diplomacy, which in Foxspeak means cozying up to our enemies.

"Changes have been made" say a good share of the letter writing peanut gallery and if we don't see the danger we need to wake up. I suppose that means to tune in to all the warnings from Blowhardia on the radio and suck up the toxic twittering of Fox. Unlike the Kommanderguy, Obama is "surrounded by criminals." The end is nigh.

So anyway, the Kingdom of God has not arrived with Barak Obama; something that was not, pace the quick brownshirt Fox, expected by his supporters -- but that's enough to dub him a failure. He's certainly received enough mockery in his first steps down the Via Dolorosa to make Fox's cynical comparison compelling. Of course Jesus was surrounded by criminals and actually was a socialist in the extreme, but the irony -- all irony is lost on the ignorant army of the American Right. The stupid will be with us longer than will be the poor so we might as well accept it, but if only we didn't have the plutocratic pseudo-populists in Fox's clothing to make them the enemy of all things true and just.


  1. I have decided that my new slogan is:

    Change Baby Change!

    Bring on the Change!

    I am tired of fighting a rear guard action with defeatism. Its time to give up on the old and try something new...

    In the words of a great Republican statesman, Spiro Agnew, "In the United States today, we have more than our share of the nattering nabobs of negativism."

    Lets change and lets move as fast as possible into the future and leave all the negativism behind us...way behind us...

  2. I wouldn't have much of a blog if it weren't for my embracement of negativism.

  3. Actually I think "Agnew's words" were written by Pat Buchanan. He wasn't much more than a GOP sock puppet.

    I don't think I'm being unduly negative even if I'm sure that all is lost and nothing means anything and the future includes the death of the universe.

  4. My gawd! The death of the universe! And here I believed it was ever expanding and that eventually we'd all end up as vibrating strings.

    Except for FOX Nooze. They'll all end up as just plain vibrators in a cosmic black hole.

  5. OMG! I am getting a visual of this cosmic black hole with all these vibrators....whew! Ugly sight!

    If the world ends in 2012 as predicted then lets go out with a bang!

    If the game is lost it doesn't mean you have to play like a loser...

  6. I believe Capt Fogg is right about the quote...further proof that Pat needs to retire and move on....

    Imagine if the the Nixon Administration was the penacle of ones success...and then have to spend the next 40 years just trying to make a living?

  7. I was concerned that Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart wouldn't have anything to satirize when the Bush pirate crew took off into their golden dingies but I was wrong, so very wrong. What is this? Have people swilled so much kool-aid that they don't know how to think clearly--or even think? Mouths really should not be allowed to open if nothing but hateful nonsense comes out.

  8. Laura,

    What you miss is the fact that it takes two comedians to give us REAL JOURNALISM...

    Whether it is Cramer, or Pelosi, it is journalism wrapped in a bow tie of comedy.


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