Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good riddance!

And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Sounds like Texas pretty-boy governor Rick Perry has been smoking too much of that Republican tea and thinks he's intimidating the USA by reminding us that Texas could just secede from the Union if they wanted to. So much for the great depth of that passionate "patriotism" that wafted out of that state like a bad smell during the Bush years. Of course they'll round up their long horn cattle and the attendant bullshit only if
“. . . Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that.”
Indeed, who knows -- maybe a bit of sanity and representational Democracy for the rest of us?

Washington thumbing it's nose means restoring the top tax bracket to far, far below its historical levels and giving a tax break to 95% of us -- if you speak Republican. "Texas is a very unique place" he says. It is: too unique to remain part of the US.

"In God we trust"
said Sam the pretend plumber Wurzelbacher to a demented Michigan crowd yesterday.
"Say that too loud in some parts of America and you will be shot. It’s terrible." A terrible lie would be closer to the truth. I have and you won't be and no one ever has been. Hardly anyone cares these days.

What they do care about is the failure of deregulation and massive tax breaks for the really rich to do anything but bring on catastrophe. What they do care about is the betrayal of all of us by the Republicans. Could it be that there's something in all this tea other than a misunderstood and misapplied metaphor? Such flights from reality into mass hysteria usually stand out in history books as markers for events we wish never happened, but if there's any meaning to this repudiation of the blind patriotism traditional with the far right and hysteria about the deficit spending that's been the core of Republican practical economics since Reagan I don't think it's anything but an attempt to take by mob action what they couldn't keep by democratic means. It's proof that the new Right is the old Confederacy without the slaves. This isn't anything like the destruction of tea at Boston harbor, it's like the shots fired at Fort Sumter 148 years ago this week.

So while the third string intellectuals dance about the funny farm with their little tea bags and their big lies trying to distract us from reality, the corporate media continue that American tradition of fomenting war to sell papers and try to distract from the truth by balancing sanity with sedition and dementia.


  1. Give Rick a break Capatian. He was probably just having a bad hair day.

    R.I.P. Molly Ivins.

  2. Since Ann Richards and Molly Ivins are no longer with us (national treasures, they were), there is really no reason to keep Texas anymore. If they want their freedumb so badly, lets give it to them ... for a price. Say ... eleven trillion dollars to cover damages and reparations from the Bush regime. This would wipe out our nation debt too. Do we have a deal?

  3. Rick does look a bit like a Ken doll, doesn't he?

    Sure, let them pay and let Alaska go along with them.

  4. Alaska citizens pay $5,300 in taxes a year per taxpayer and in return they get more than $11,750 per taxpayer in return...

    If they decide to leave the union they are idiots....

  5. "they are idiots...."

    There is some evidence of that. It is, of course, also the state most likely to be called Marxist for it's re-distribution of oil profits, but that's another matter.

  6. As for the Tea-Partyers or whatever they're being called now – I can understand a peaceable and decent person being upset about the current state of affairs, and anxious about the future. But shouldn't it bother that person – a mainstreamer at the rallies, I mean – to be among an unholy percentage of manifestly racist, mean-spirited, leering idiots? That's certainly what I saw on my television screen, and the little rally I saw in person near where I live wasn't impressive, either, though it seemed harmless enough. If I showed up at a progressive rally and a third of the people there acted and talked like violent Marxists, I'd get out of there, fast. But then, I never go to protests or rallies anyhow…. I dislike them as much as I dislike being in bars.


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