Friday, August 21, 2009


An assortment of political cartoons from a contentious week:

H/T: Joan from South Florida

H/T to "democommie" at Southern Bealeโ€™s blog for this:

Satan has a meeting with the entire GOP leadership. He shows them a Powerpoint presentation of a world gone amok: War, pestilence, famine, endlessly proliferating TV reality shows, and says:

"All this can be yours -- and it can be very, very profitable. The only thing I require is the blood sacrifice of your entire base of useful idiots -- AND your souls."

Suddenly Newt Gingrich pipes in: "What's the catch?"


  1. Ah - death panels. They've existed since primitive times and it looks like chimps have them too. The republicans wouldn't give a damn except that they want them privatized and run for profit -- like everything else.

    I like the last one most though, because that's really the whole story. Humans just aren't very smart and our complex world leaves the vast majority unable to understand or cope and so they turn to violence and Fox News.

  2. Captain, please note last minute addition.

  3. Yes, Newt Gingrich. As I said the vast majority of humans are stupid. . .

  4. Capt. Fogg,

    Based on your learned response to a certain extremist screed with no punctuation (to a very old primary post??), I'd say you can now put in for the title of Ayatollah Foggheini, or some similar post. Well done.

    Anyhow, since we have our own Rocky doing a serial analysis of the health care bill, thought you all might be interested to know that on The Daily Show for August 20, Jon Stewart has as his guest Betsy McCaughey. Just visit and find the links for "Exclusive - Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. 1" and "Exclusive - Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. 2." The exchange is both good comedy and quite enlightening, I think you'll agree, with regard to the way some opponents of the bill deal with the actual language of its provisions.

  5. Thanks, Octo -- fun stuff, that. Best way to deal with these particular outrageous claims is cartoon (visual) humor, it seems.

    Anyhow, it occurs to me that some of this silliness stems from a genuine uneasiness on the part of some elderly people regarding Medicare benefit continuity. Not sure the Admin has crafted its rhetoric well in this area, what with the talk of finding savings in Medicare to fund other health care agenda. That's a tough sale to close, I think, in the throes of pushing for a strong bill.


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