Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tea stains

Maybe Chuck Norris has been kicked in the head once too often. Maybe he deserves another one. He's been barking about being true to the "spirit of our founders" by avoiding the use of a contemporary US flag to wave over their "tea parties" unless the flag is first desecrated by staining it with tea. His op-ed in World Net Daily links to a WND page peddling pre-desecrated flags for $73.50. I don't know if Norris gets a piece of the action.
"If you insist on posting a modern USA flag too, then get one that has been tea stained, to show your solidarity with our founders."

The idea of being lectured to about political philosophies of the Enlightenment and the visions of the somewhat disparate men who drafted our constitution by an intellectual midget like Norris is galling enough but the spectacle of being urged to stain the flag by people who have been clogging up the legislative process for over 40 years trying to make it a crime to deface a flag is too much to let slip by without at least one Wilsonian "you lie!"

One of the things I'm sure our "founders" would agree on is that presidents are not to be chosen or un-chosen by mobs of belligerent barbarians carrying guns in the street. In fact the wisdom of letting the populace have much direct power was much discussed and protected against by the electoral college and the indirect election of senators.

Another thing I suspect they would agree on is that we the people are the founders of a country designed to be a constant work in progress through the institutions designed for that purpose. For someone who does nothing in this world but play a tough guy beating the crap out of stage ruffians in the movies to raise rabble that the rest of us will have to deal with is an outrage. For someone forgetful or dishonest enough to pretend that we don't remember him telling us that Bush was president and must be trusted, followed and honored as such, to now preach revolution is disgusting.

If talking about tea is supposed to remind us that taxation without representation is tyranny, perhaps it will remind some of us that we have representation, but Chuck doesn't like or respect the process that elected them. Is representation by self appointed gangs without election and without taxation their Utopian vision or is it just formless and inchoate rage?

Do we need anything better to remind us that Republican views of civilization and government are entirely situational and entirely opposite when they are in power and when they are thrown out in the street? It's all about winning at any cost and about vengeance at any cost when they lose.


  1. "One of the things I'm sure our "founders" would agree on is that presidents are not to be chosen or un-chosen by mobs of belligerent barbarians carrying guns in the street."

    My pick for money quote of the day. Well done! The last paragraph shines too.

  2. Chuck Norris only got a runner up on Countdown's "world's worst" tonight.

    Winner: Lonesome Rhodes Beck... Referring to The Constitution, Article One, Section 9 (The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person).

    Glenn Beck Says: That's right. The founders actually put a price on coming to this country: $10 a person. Apparently they felt like there was a value to being able to live here. Not anymore. These days we can't ask anything of immigrants -- including that they abide by our laws.

    Keith Olberman responds: A clause requiring the continuation of slavery, he thinks is about immigration. He may be the dumbest man on the planet.

    I say: I agree. And what about the people who work for him? Nobody said, "wait a minute Glenn...".


  3. "These days we can't ask anything of immigrants -- including that they abide by our laws. "

    That's not a stupid statement, it's a devious one, and a lie, of course. As if Immigrants had special dispensation with regard to the law. To an extent, the opposite is true.

    Typical rabble rousing, nativist garbage: itself an old American tradition, since we've always had so many angry, stupid, cowardly citizens. Since we're almost all immigrants, we feel the need to make ourselves "real" Americans by bashing what we were a generation ago.

    By the way, Beck is a common name amongst Ashkenazi Jews. . .

  4. Did you know that behind Chuck Norris' beard there isn't any chin? Just another fist...

    All joking aside, Chuck Norris is a tool.

  5. A blunt and useless tool at that.


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