Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Honor our troops - at least some of them

Yes, sir, I'm glad we have real men like Anton Scalia on the Supreme Court instead of some "activist" liberal pansy. Who but a Liberal would come up with the idea that putting a cross on a Jewish ( or Muslim, or Buddhist or atheist) soldier's grave wouldn't be an insult to the troops we're told to honor and support?

The court is hearing a case on the constitutionality of erecting a cross on Government ( our ) land in order to honor the dead of WW I. It's not really a religious symbol, opined Scalia but just a common thing to do in cemeteries. In Christian cemeteries -- certainly but here's where Scalia seems unimaginative enough to recognize that many of us and certainly many of us whose families have been here far longer than his, are not Christians nor is there an established religion in the US; Christian or otherwise.

Crosses never appear in Jewish cemeteries, said the ACLU lawyer, but like the hard-hearted biblical Pharaoh, Scalia could only reply
“I don’t think you can leap from that to the conclusion that the only war dead that that cross honors are the Christian war dead. I think that’s an outrageous conclusion.”
Well I don't think it is outrageous and I imagine there are more than a few people buried in any military cemetery who would, if they could, disagree with him. As Ann Woolner points out on,
"Hundreds of thousands of non-Christians served in World War I. Jews alone accounted for 250,000, or about 5 percent of the troops deployed. To memorialize them, Muslims and other non- Christians who gave their lives for their country with a Christian cross doesn’t honor them. For many of their families, it insults them. "
There is no secular purpose and therefore no legitimate government purpose in putting a cross on government property, says the Amicus brief filed by Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America. Of course that's true and in my opinion, as each grave has it's own appropriate marker, the only reason to Christianize the entire cemetery is to put a Christian stamp on the US military and all it's endeavors and all it's men. One would think that the truly devout might say that it puts a US military stamp on Christianity and indeed some do.

All things considered, I'd rather not have a symbol of a religion ( particularly Scalia's) that's been persecuting and vilifying my ancestors since the Constantine administration on my lawn or my grave or the graves of any of my family who has been in the US military for the last 150 years. The party that so often screams about their "freedom" being taken away is usually quite silent when someone else's freedom of religion is being taken away and the honor and dignity of so many of our troops is being trod upon by their fellow Americans.


  1. Where is this happening? I read recently about a WW1 memorial in the middle of some state land somewhere out west that has been boxed up for like a decade because it's a cross and they're considering it unconstitutional, despite it being there since something like 1935. Is that the same case?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's somewhere called "sunshine Rock" out in the Mojave and it was installed in '34. (Pic at It's not much to look at, but to me, the ridiculous outrage coming from the religious right about insults to Christianity and how sacred the damned thing is, etc. is more of the same old Jihad against constitutional and secular democracy.

    I don't pay taxes to a state church and my father didn't fight in WW II to defend a religion and particularly one that's based on vilifying my own. But it's never enough for them and won't be until it's the united states of Jesus under King Fallwell the II, dei gratia.

  4. I can never quite decide which of Justice Scalia's wonderful character traits I find most appealing.

    His intolerance & his overarching self-regard lead the pack though.

  5. Scalia really is a habitual liar.

  6. I wish I could say this in the voice of Stewie from Family Guy:

    Why not an original idea? Why not try an original sculpture? Why not a monument that's, y'know, iconic? Like the Iwo Jima monument? Maybe Sergeant York at attention, maybe looking slightly off towards the east, toward Europe, with a look of proud resolve? Maybe something that says "World War One," and not "Jesus"?

  7. Scalia is a disgrace - to state the obvious and he's smug as hell about it too.

    Unfortunately he will be with us for a long time.


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