Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rush lives

Whatever the cause of Rush Limbaugh's chest pains, they haven't been as fatal as some have reported but whether or not angina is involved, we can be sure they weren't pangs of conscience. His web site thanks us for our prayers ( if only he could hear mine) and is, as always, jam packed and bloated with fear mongering, dire predictions and apocalyptic warnings that if we don't "fight like hell" our country will be changed forever.Let's hope.

I recently read that only about 5% of those admitted to hospitals with chest pains die within a year, so one important and very needed change is probably not going to happen -- all the more so since most billionaires can not only afford health insurance but can afford to do without it. If you or I had rendered ourselves uninsurable through a lifetime of belly bustin' burgers, cigars, uppers, downers, pain killers and beer we might have a rather different experience and a bit less cause for optimism.

Yes, we have to fight like hell to stop this "buffoonery" says Rush about Bob Menendez' call to set aside ideology, turn off Limbaugh and pass the legislation that most Americans want. But Congress is ignoring the will of the people -- or at least the minority of the people he represents, says Rush. Public health insurance will change America forever -- forever! Government will "take over" health care just the way it took over all those plans you made for retirement. ( huh?)
Just the way Veteran's benefits took over - well whatever they took over and medicare helped keep exploding profits from eating up every last dime retired people have set aside.

It's a tenet of Buddhism, and a nice bit of wisdom, that change is constant and suffering is universal when we refuse to accept it. It's too bad in this case that Rush's refusal to let go of failed 19th century ideas will cause more suffering for everyone else than it will for him. We have been changing from the outset in terms of making the US a better place to live for more of its people and Rush has been a major clot in the artery of truth and justice and decency.

No, I'm not going to descend to his level and wish him an immediate death, in fact I hope he lives long enough to see that not one dire thing he has predicted has materialized and that he's been pretty much wrong about every thing he's said -- and until that happens, I hope those pains continue to hurt like hell.


  1. Drats. ;)

    Rush has been a major clot in the artery of truth and justice and decency

    A nice turn of a phrase, Capt.

    P.S. I'm not a doctor, but doesn't one have to have a heart to suffer from angina?

    P.S.2. What's Rush doing in Hawaii at the same time Obama is there? A secret summit...?

  2. I'd bet on that chest pain being indigestion.
    I get that every time I hear his name!

  3. What's Rush doing in Hawaii

    He just always wanted to visit an African country.:-)

    just the way it took over all those plans you made for retirement.

    The government has taken over Social Security now?! Those fiends!

  4. Yes, the Gummint has taken over almost everything - the military, the police -- they've set up schools to indoctrinate our kids against the one true religion. Worst of all they want us to pay for these things which is Socialism.

    If only we had listened to Bush and put all our retirement funds in the stock market. . . but those damned stupid liberals!

  5. Well, Fox News had a banner year this year because of Barack Obama and I am sure Rush did too...

    So, it is only fitting that he should pay homage to Barck Obama this holiday season...

    Thus the visit to Hawaii!

    As far as chest pains go...

    Truthfully, who cares....

  6. I don't.

    And I agree with Elizabeth in wondering how someone who has no heart could suffer from angina.

  7. Rush Limbaugh had a heart attack because you don't go on a 1,500-calorie/day diet without exacerbating the damage of a lifetime of awful diet and no exercise. You make exactly the right parallel with our energy habits; he's gotten himself into this with poor behavior and so has the nation.

  8. Chest pains? Angina? Nahh! A reoccurrence of that old hair follicle malady. You know, THAT ONE.


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