Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sarah Palin is a lying sack of shit

Why pull any punches? Ms. Hopey - Changey may have the IQ of a Barbie doll, but is just bright enough to know, if she bothered to think at all, that she's lying like the devil about her portrayal of the year old Obama presidency and the letter and spirit of constitutional law.

Why fool around, why worry about any one's "sensitivities?" She's a damned malicious liar and it's made no more palatable by her giggling, faux-adolescent presentation. Addressing the Tea Party Rebellion Saturday, she insisted that the administration has unconstitutionally given the right to a fair trial to a "terrorist" because apparently the presumption of innocence doesn't apply to any one of a group Sarah selects. The supreme court disagrees with Palin however, and with the Bush administration and I'll bet some of them have actually read the damned thing.

In 2008, the court ruled that you can't arbitrarily deprive anyone of a trial, dispense with the presumption of innocence and remove Habeas Corpus by crying War over and over and of course Sarah, in denial of the truth accused the president of "politicizing" the Christmas attempt by not crying war nearly enough -- which by the logic of stupidity means not politicizing an act is politicizing it. Don't worry, if that doesn't make sense you're probably not stupid.

Prattling on in full lying sack of shit mode, that "Paliney" thing on the podium continued to prevaricate by criticizing the treatment of Christmas bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who according to her wasn't properly questioned because he "lawyered up" and wasn't cooperating. The facts are quite dramatically otherwise of course. Umar has been gushing facts and giving up names like an open faucet and without any unlawful means of interrogation, but worse than being a damned liar, Sarah Palin is actively engaged in undermining the foundations of American justice by promoting the idea that justice can be waived by using the magic word "war" and that a fair trial gets in the way of justice.

How, in the name of God is there anyone left anywhere who doesn't see the horns and cloven hooves and smell the sulphur? What's to prevent someone from characterizing her assault on truth, justice and due process, her campaign against the government and against the Constitution as a war? What's to prevent her or us from torture, rendition, secret and indefinite imprisonment if some ambitious president declares he an enemy combatant?

Even Fox is showing signs that they're becoming frightened by the monster they've produced and should we be any less fearful of the beast?


  1. SP is the woman I love to hate. I promised not to use her name (except in a quote), so I refer to her as "That Woman." I think she is horrid. Wouldn't it be great if Fox ends up firing her?

  2. I gather you don't like Sarah, Captain.

    Seriously now, I forgot how jarring she really is until I watched her "live" on the Colbert clip.

    Palin has accomplished the impossible: she's made Dubya look intelligent.

    She is a walking satire. Unfortunately, those who worship her are satirically impaired. Or, as Colbert suggests, using the satirical cue from Rushbo, F-R's.

    It can't be long until folks on the right get tired of her shtick -- can it...?

  3. She's a disease and I become almost speechless when trying to express my contempt, but yes, I think it's going to be a very long time before they stop liking her and seeing what a monster she is.

    Remember when, according to the snarling right it was the "liberals" talking down America? Liberals were the party of pessimism, trying to ruin the healthy economy by predicting a crash that would never come; trying to tell us the war would be a quagmire and not a glorious victory; impatient with the "Surge?"

    The "Liberals" hated America but now here comes Sarah acting like we don't remember and talking down everything including hope itself. America voted for change - Palin laughed.

    And yet I still meet people who insist that the "Liberal media" isn't being fair and is out to get her.

    I'll say it again: an America that accepts Sarah Palin, that does not see her as the enemy of all we pretend we stand for does not deserve to survive as a free country, a just country and a country for anyone to look up to.

  4. Capt., I can take about 2 seconds of Palin until my (usually deeply hidden and well-controlled) homicidal tendencies flare up. (And I swear, I am working on my civility and empathy, I really am. There are aspects of Palin, with which I can empathize. But then I watch her political performance and, sigh, I encounter my empathy's limits. There is a lesson to learn there, I'm sure.)

    What you're describing here is that self-serving cultivated amnesia, or the ahistorical perspective that Dino has brought up in his comment under your "Freudian" post (I still wish you made it into a full post, Dino).

    We, collectively speaking, have short attention spans and massive memory deficits (thus some need cheat notes on their hands), which are particularly useful to demagogues willing to exploit them for their gain.

    Palin is a dangerous but useful idiot, willing to say and do anything for attention and power; but there are people who support her and are more intelligent -- and evil, if you will -- who mightily benefit from her rise in political ranks. The neo-con cabal, for example, disempowered now after Bush's departure -- Bill Kristol and others from The National Review are among Palin's staunchest supporters. And these guys, even though morally wrong, are bright enough to have a longer-term perspective, in which treating Palin as a useful tool to execute their agendas fits well. (See the link above.)

    It is indeed about "taking their country back" -- back to the good old days of unbridled greed and egoism and self-deluded exceptionalism, with them being on top of the pecking order again. It does not matter what lies, distortions and moral crimes are committed in the process -- what matters is the end result, which is having power again.

    A possible problem with Palin (for neocons et al) is that she is both too dumb and too ambitious (a horrible combo on its own) to predictably follow anyone's agenda -- you know, with her being a maverick 'n all. So she may go rogue even on her hopeful admirers-advisers.

    We, libruls, are either too nice or too naive -- or both. If a Palin-like creature emerged from the left (impossible, but let's imagine), s/he would be crucified in the MSM in no time, with accusations of treason and such. But we just make fun of her.

    I don't know, maybe it is the right approach, as Octo observed -- not to take her too seriously and not to give her too much attention, waiting for her to hang herself on a self-made noose. I'm not sure it is working, though.

    Meanwhile, she goes around saying things like this:

    ...the best of America can be found in places where patriots are brave enough and free enough to be able to stand up and speak up* and where small businesses grow our economy one job at a time.

    *Compounds in Montana?

  5. And this is another glowing review of Palin's performance at the Tea Party convention from Kristol's Weekly Standard. It's written by yet another Palin admirer (curiously or not, most of them are men), Matt Continetti.


    Not only has Palin been able to absorb the hatred and mockery directed at her. She has channeled it into a full-out barrage on the Obama agenda that is forceful, direct, and compelling.

  6. Captain you did a superb job of holding it together, my rant was jumbled and written while shaking with contempt as I watched that horrid woman talk. Her hatred for Obama and the most disgraceful things she said were obscene!

    Elizabeth you made some terrific points here too. That woman is frightening and to think there are morons who believe she could be president of our most powerful nation. It's friggen unbelievable! I can't even talk about it without my blood pressure soaring!!

  7. There is not much more I can add to the good captain's assessment of Ms. Palin, except this:

    She. Will. Never. Be. President.


    Please. Let us remember that she is the darling of a minority of American voters.

    Her stupid assessment of Mr. Obama's chance of recouping his popularity by going to war with Iran is but one, only one aspect of her grinding stupidity. The president doesn't have the power to declare war.

    That she doesn't know or even understand this at her age is just one more reason to work very, very hard to oppose this functioning nitwit.

  8. Sarah Palin doesn't know what she stands for. Her speeches contain no details, no policies, no directions for how she intends to "make America a better place for all Americans". She simply spews talking points and applause lines. Her ego is so large that she would probably never allow someone around her who doesn't agree with everything she says, or at least they wouldn't be around her for long. I have nightmares about this woman being in charge of our international policy. Can you imagine this woman as our representative around the world? Can you imagine her having a serious discussion with the leaders of the rest of the world? George Bush at least had the awareness to understand that he needed smart people around him. They were evil for the most part, but they were undoubtedly very intelligent. I don't think Bush ever had a problem with not being the smartest guy in the room. Sarah Palin, almost unbelievably, thinks that she is the smartest person in any room that she's in.

  9. Sarah Palin is the most ill-prepared person proposed for national office that I have ever seen. She has no understanding of the Constitution (illustrated by her constant misstatement of what the 1st Amendment means), she couldn't explain what Conservatism is if you spotted her Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan and she is dead set against learning what she doesn't know.

  10. @Mycue23,
    A platformless, supercial failed idealogue is the perfect candidate for the Tea Baggers, a party of people who just want someone to make them feel good again no matter what's happeining to the country, -just like George W. Bush used to.
    Sarah Palin was nothing more than a short-sighted GOP ploy to get at disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters to vote Republican.
    -It didn’t work because women aren't stupid, neither were the rest of Hillary's supporters.

    Sarah Palin quit her elected office. That's the fact that should be reiterated at the top of every interview, every appearance.

  11. Palin, like the good captain pointed out is a disease...

    A disease of those who hate themselves and their own lives and they want to drag the rest of us, and this country, down to the level of disgust that is their lives.

    When she stands on a stage you pay no attention to what she says but rather get visuals of her doing a pole dance...

    If she couldn't hack being a governor for two years she won't last six months as president...

    She is just an attention hog....

    Oh, and these conservatives go on and on about all the media attention Micheal Jackson got...

  12. Fascism will come to America by calling itself "anti-fascism."

    Palin is the trophy figure head for American fascism and she's gonna shove it up your ass with a wink and a "you betch!!"

    If she somehow gets anywhere near the White House; If she became president, it would be the Fright House.

  13. Shaw, I hope you're right.

    But if this idea -- of President Palin (gack!) -- seems outlandish (as it should, ideally), think about Reagan and Dubya.

  14. I don’t like Palin anymore than the rest of you, but maybe we need to understand a phenomenon.

    In the perceptions of tea baggers, she is an anti-establishment heroine. She speaks to a constituency who are angry, powerless, and insignificant and who aspire to be more than they are (but never will … unless they win a lottery ticket and live as Beverly Hillbillies). She serves as their symbol and spokesperson.

    Palin may be a liar but she is no fool. She knows how to play the system. She gets an $8 million book advance and $100,000 speaking engagements.

    This narrative takes an ironic turn. Palin does not represent the folks who idolize her. She serves a shill for the special interests who pay her … the same special interests that take tea baggers for fools.

  15. A lot of talk about civility lately. It's had to be civil in the face of people who support a bimbo like this. She may never be President, but she can and has caused damage.
    It's hard to be civil to those people who support and keep her in the public eye. She is dangerous, and so are the type of people and their thinking that keep her alive in the public discourse. When McCain chose her (a choice that showed he could care less about the future of the American people) he set upon our national political debate a sickness, that is spreading. Until the fever of this illness breaks, we will have to fight hard to gather the white blood cells (rational citizens) to kill her off.

  16. "Sarah Palin doesn't know what she stands for."

    She might be even scarier if she did, because I suspect it's Fascism.

    Thanks for all the good comments -- too many to address. If it weren't for you good folks I'd be in utter despair.


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