Sunday, November 28, 2010

Eugene Delgaudio needs to come out of the closet

For some time now, I've been getting emails from a group calling itself "Public Advocate of the US." I'm really not sure how this happened - I don't recall ever clicking a box saying "Please send me hot, steamy chunks of hate," but I've been known to drink occasionally when I'm on-line. (You know, red wine is not good for a keyboard...)

The guy in charge of Public Advocate (and potentially the sole employee) is named Eugene Delgaudio, and he's a twisted piece of work. He's apparently a member of the Board of Supervisors in Loudoun County, Virginia. He also likes to set up over-the-top protests of anything he feels is even dimly related to homosexuality.

When the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) started a campaign to create a “safe space” to prevent the bullying of gay teens, Eugene came out in support of beating up children.
While the stickers and posters blatantly display the upside-down rainbow triangle and pro-homosexual slogan, the booklet is the real threat.

It includes detailed strategies to instruct teachers and students how to create a school environment more accepting of homosexual students and teach other students their lifestyle as a healthy alternative.

It also tells students how to get involved in school policy and how to initiate change to promote the Homosexual Agenda in everyday school life.
Because, you see, every student's right to beat up on fags is protected in the Constitution. ("I'm sure it's in there somewhere! Probably under "pursuit of happiness" or something...")

I think my favorite, though, would have to be his objection to the TSA pat-downs. Now, having been a military cop for 21 years, I can tell you that getting young cops to actually check the groin is one of the hardest taboos to get around. And I have found a knives taped to a guy's underwear. So an effective search has to be a little more "intrusive" than some people are comfortable with. However, as generations of drug mules can attest, you can still stuff quite a bit of stuff up your butt, or hang it down your throat. So the searches aren't really making us more safe.

That, however, is not Eugene's problem with the searches. He doesn't care if terrorists are allowed onto planes cradling bombs like small children. He's just worried that it's all part of the homosexual agenda!
That means the next TSA official that gives you an “enhanced pat down” could be a practicing homosexual secretly getting pleasure from your submission.

Or it could be any sexual pervert, homosexual or heterosexual, or even pedophile that operates the "naked scanner".

That means the next TSA official that operates the "porno scanners" you or your child or mother walk through could be lusting after the image on his screen.

The thought makes me sick.
Other things make him sick, as well. In fact, the idea of repealing DADT pretty much gives him a coronary embolism.
Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen says he supports Congress using its lame-duck session to end the ban on gays serving openly in the military.

Mullen sides with the Radical Homosexuals instead of the troops, vowing that he would do what it takes to end the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy as soon as possible.

A Pentagon report on the impact of lifting the ban is set for release Dec. 1st, timed nicely with the return of the new Congress.

Of course nobody has asked the soldiers their opinions, and our troops are prohibited from any political activity other than voting.
You know, other than those surveys showing that repealing DADT is supported by most of the military, their families, and even by military chaplains. But, you know, other than them, nobody ever asks the military how they feel, right?

Incidentally, our troops are only prohibited from political activity in uniform - it's a subtle distinction, but one that's lost on Eugene.

(His brother, incidentally, plead guilty to child pornography after he paid two teenaged girls to pose all nekkid in a motel room. Not directly related, but makes you wonder about the gene pool our boy Eugene jumped out of.)

There's a strong tinge of paranoia about the man: aside from his assertions that "the homos want to kill me" (he would so love to be a martyr), he openly lies in his fundraising letters. And more than that, when he's called out about his lies, he just lies some more: when he lost a vote about treating transgendered people equally, he sent out an email to his followers stating:
If a man dressed as a woman wants a job, you have to treat "it" the same as a normal person.
When people called him on referring to a person as "it," he tried to claim that the word "it" referred to the "action of hiring a man or a woman."

Read that explanation again; can you parse his statement to mean that? Especially when the same letter referred to "cross-dressing freaks"?

Come on, Eugene. Remember the state slogan? "Virginia is for lovers"?

Why do you hate Virginia, Eugene?


  1. I thought the state motto was Sic semper tyrannis. Maybe they're embarrassed to put that on the license plates because it sounds so foreign - like Arabic or something. Hey, didn't some far-right terrorist say that after murdering the President?

    But what about Loving Vs. Virginia - the decision those freedom loving, gummint hating folks fought against so hard that freed me from being a felon for marrying outside my God Given, government assigned "race."

    Sure, Virginia is for lovers -- it's just that they want to regulate and approve of who you can love. Nothing intrusive about that. But I mean, forcing us to treat fellow citizens like human beings? Now that's intrusion!

  2. Yes, the official state motto of Virginia is sic semper tyrannis (and their state bird is the cardinal, state insect is the tiger swallowtail butterfly, and state shell (?) is the oyster), but Virginia is for Lovers is their official tourism and travel slogan.

    Weirdly, I don't think anyone ever shouted "Virginia is for Lovers!" after murdering a president. That would be cool, though. Think what the conspiracy buffs would say then...)

  3. What we say is: Virginia is for Lovers*

    *some exceptions apply.

    It's not really the most forthcoming state slogan. Regarding Eugene, people make the mistake of thinking he's either stupid or a clown, when he is actually a very smart predator. He makes money doing this. He laughs at the poor people who send him money and show up at public hearings repeating his hate, and he has even admitted to colleagues that he doesn't really care about "the homosexual agenda," it's just means to an end. You might enjoy this video, from one of our board meetings.

  4. UGH, Eugene Delgaudio is the scourge of Loudoun County. I am sickened to be associated with him just by living here (not that I can vote in his district)... He hates blacks, jews, gays, and thinks every single crime in Loudoun County is committed by "illegal aliens". Last I checked the ICE report in our county, only 9 people were turned over. I kinda think they don't account for most of our crime, and probably none of the violent crime. Shades of Westboro "Baptist" in this man.

  5. Oh, and hey if you get a chance check out my blog... I'm usually quite silly, but I do tackle a few important issues now and then.


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