Friday, November 26, 2010

A Quickie with Sarah

Sarah Palin is just the gift that keeps on giving, isn't she? You kind of wish that she'd just go away, but even then, you have that little spot of sadness in your heart that Christine O'Donnell isn't still around to make fun of (don't be sad; we've still got Michelle Bachmann). As the Rude Pundit put it,
Look, sure, yeah, of course, of course, we should be able to fucking ignore Sarah Palin and her molesting P.E. teacher-looking husband ("I'm puttin' my hand on the floor under your chest to make sure you do your push-ups right, Cindy") and her Hills-Have-Eyes-esque brood of mutant children. But she ain't a Jurassic Park T-Rex. If you stand still, she ain't going away. And if she's gonna hate fuck the "lamestream" media constantly, we may as well get off on it, too.

We all know what's gonna happen: she's gonna believe the Wal-Mart shoppers and shut-ins and horny rednecks who tell her at her book signings to run for President. And she'll run and be an idiot on the issues and a cunt to everyone around her, and then she'll blame everyone else for ruining her chances when, in reality, in a rare moment of clarity, Republicans will vote for the another bugfuck insane candidate, the one who didn't say on her own reality show that she got millions of dollars to do that she thinks it sucks that people invade her privacy and that she's just regular people, like you and you over there, who must have a TV studio in your home so you can tell Sean Hannity what regular people think.
But let's ignore all this furor over the fact that Sarah still doesn't know the difference between North and South Korea, and think about this.

If you can't stomach the whole thing, go to the 1:15 spot and listen to her talk about "the extreme politicians over on the left who want to buy into those extreme environmentalists who claim that there's no way you can responsibly develop a plot of land that was set aside for oil and gas development."

OK, Sarah, I understand that you've called it "An-Wahr" for so long that maybe you think that's the name of the place. But you're taking a reporter there right now. Maybe you should know something about it.

Let's highlight one brief cut there. When she's talking about "a plot of land that was set aside for oil and gas development," she's referring to ANWR.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

You just can't make this shit up.


  1. Seriously. I marvel that she can talk and breathe at the same time. How does she do that?

  2. Huh. I self censored a post I just did about Todd and Sarah cause I didn't want to be too bawdy and offend the sensibilities of fellow Swash Zoners.

    Now I find out there's one as naughty as me.

    Ohhh Yeaaaaahhh...

    Things could get interesting Octo.

  3. In the almost non-stop media stream about Palin, NOBODY ever seems to remember she QUIT her responsibility as governor. Why is that?

    I swear, if she makes it to an presidential debate in 2012, on EVERY issue the opposing candidate should repeat: "... yes, but you quit your job as governor" over and over and over again.

    Yes, whatever your position is on foreign policy, the economy, education, yada yeda yada, ".. we can't have the president QUITTING if it gets too hard or a better deal comes along."

    Palin's critics are not hammering her ass on this HUGE hypocrisy.

  4. What frightens me about Sarah Palin is that she is arrogant and often ignorant but she isn't stupid. She has cleverly manipulated what should have been at most 15 minutes of fame into a a public presence that continues to garner faithful and fervent followers. Dismissing her as an inconsequential idiot is to fail to recognize that this idiot speaks the language of a significant number of the American public. Is it big enough to win her the Republican nomination for 2012? I don't think so but I cannot say that with absolute certainty. I never thought that Ronald Reagan would serve one term as president let alone two.

    NC, on a more personal note, an observation given with no malice. As a woman born in the 1950s who fought the battle of feminism, I must address the following statement:
    And she'll run and be an idiot on the issues and a cunt to everyone around her,...

    I am not a blushing southern belle who is offended by the use of profane language; however, I do find the reducing of any woman to a vulgar term that is demeaning in any context except perhaps groaned in the throes of passion inappropriate and offensive. No woman,not even Ms. Palin should be accepting of such an epithet and I would kindly ask that you think about how you would like such a term used to describe your mother, sister, daughter, wife, significant other or a casual dating partner. I classify the "c" word in the same category as the "n" word.

  5. Well said. However, I have to agree with Sheria on the 'c' word. Name-calling like that lowers one to Sarah's tawdry level. Just my take.

  6. Sheria, Kay,

    I do have to agree with you on one thing. I don't use the word "cunt," and I apologize for having found a quote that did.

    When I titled that "a quickie," I very literally haven't spent more than 20 minutes on the computer in the last 4 days. I read, I move on. Then I hit that, and had this huge WTF moment. And I threw that up there, and remembered a piece I've read from Rude, and dig it up and threw it in there, too.

    Again, I apologize. Normally, I do better than that.

  7. NC, apology fully accepted. I promise you that I'm not the thought police . Thank you.

  8. i think sarah's one of those crazy like a fox people. she laughing all the way to the bank as her followers hang on every breath.

    a good christmas toy might be a chatty sarah doll. pull her string any get any one of 15 fund raising sound bites.

  9. Apology accepted. We've all hit "publish" first and thought later. And yeah, I like Rude mostly, too. We never have to ask how he really feels.

  10. Speaking of a good use of vacation time I suggest that on her vacation Sarah Palin sit down and read Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States'.

    It would do her good.

    Great story well told. Not many big words either.

    Of course it wouldn't happen in a million years.

    But then the idea of Sarah Palin reading ANY book at all boggles the mind.

  11. Possibly Ms. Palin was confusing the wildlife refuge with the national oil field strategic reserves in Alaska that truly have been set aside in case of war or national emergency. I recall she foolishly advocated the immediate exploitation of those fields as well, completely missing the entire point of preserving them for a time of need. She may be smart. But it's a different kind of smart.

  12. "a different kind of smart."

    Yes, I used to have a smart dog once. But you have to admit we have an emergency here - those Ski-Do's do eat up a lot of gas, not to mention the family airplane and if we did have a real war or something, God wouldn't let us run out of gas anyway.

    Wildlife reserve - strategic reserve - Crown Royal Reserve: what's this, another gotcha moment? You liberals. . .

  13. While I am usually very vocal when someone uses cheap, derogatory words or phrases when describing females or males as a whole group. I don't have a problem with using an expletive to describe an individual and I am just as apt to call an individual male a prick or a dick so if the shoe fits...
    On the post and comments, while I agree Sarah is a dangerous additive to the political scene I do not think she is intelligent. She actually is stupid but draws she power from being devious and manipulative and a liar.
    She has good features and bone structure but the ugliness within translates to the outside making her very ugly indeed. It's like one of those holograms; turn it one way and see Sarah, Champion of Konservative Kristians. Turn it the other way and see Sarah, Demon from the Deep.


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