Let me just point out that in the coming week, right-wing pundits will try to claim that Obama should not receive any credit for this. Of course, in the meantime, all the evidence shows that Bush had the chance to get him and let him go. (After all, the unkillable boogeyman is a better way to get unlimited funds than a guy you pick up in the first few months of a manhunt.)
Update: from Pam at Pam's House Blend:

I love it.
I've already seen a FaceBook entry where some dweeb was saying the President shouldn't take credit for taking out Bin Laden; the team who conducted the raid should get the credit.
ReplyDeleteReally, like the Seals acted on their own initiative irrespective of the orders of the Commander in Chief?
Conservatives will continue to regard Obama as the Rodney Dangerfield of presidents, "he don't get no respect."
And wouldn't ya know it, just a few moments ago, Fox had Dick Cheney on to tell us that the "groundwork" for this raid was laid by none other than George W. Bush - Cheney's very own ventriloquist's dummy.
ReplyDeleteMakes you wonder what groundwork means. Makes you wonder whether we couldn't just drop the whole fox crew into the ocean like Osama.
Oh, they’re already hard at work making sure President Obama doesn’t get much credit for anything about this operation. I must give the busy-bee prize to one person who commented under a primary article that the president had inappropriately upstaged the military by announcing the death of Osama bin Laden directly rather than deferring to a military spokesperson. Now that’s a teahoo work of art. Anyhow, these types don’t much matter at the moment – the event is so grand in its significance that it swallows up such pettiness and manufactured criticism. If a white dove landed on Obama’s right shoulder in full view of the public and squawked out all the right things about his special relationship to God the Father, the boneheads would find some reason to bellyache about it. I think they’re flummoxed because they know this development strongly points towards an Obama second term just when they were beginning to wrap their nano-particle-sized brains around the first term of an African-American president.
ReplyDeleteBut I saw this interview with Cheney on ABC where he praises Obama.
If you believe this recycled facebook status message, then you have to also believe that bin Laden was not the one who killed 3,000 people. I don't understand why so many people are posting this moronic message...
ReplyDelete"Let's be clear on this: Obama DID NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama, just a few weeks ago, was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found Osama Bin Laden and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN VICTORY!! Repost if you agree!!!!"
Unbelievable. And if they STILL show the photos, the republicans will doubt him anyway.
It is an American victory, but yes, I'm getting e-mail comments sneering at Obama because he was safe in the white house while "da troops" did all the wet work. I mean, he's black, who better to do some breaking and entering?
ReplyDeleteAnd Bush just happened to be in the white house when deregulation and Reaganomics sank the ship. No credit for Democrats, no blame for Republicans - fair and balanced.
Obama can't be permitted to have done anything right. Osama is dead, but neutralizing the real enemy won't be as easy.