And since he had to sit out most of Vietnam sitting in a bamboo cage, maybe little Johnny just wants to get his war on. I suppose that could be it.
But come on, John!
Arizona Senator John McCain on Sunday warned that the situation in Iraq is "unraveling" due to recent U.S. foreign policy actions there - and that a "very chaotic situation" could give way to a rise in Iranian influence in the region.See, Johnny, it's probably best that you didn't specifically name which president it was that "pledged to get out of Iraq," since Obama simply lived up to the timetable that was set up by the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement, signed by George W. Bush.
McCain, speaking to Bob Schieffer on CBS' "Face the Nation," argued that the recent U.S. military drawdown from Iraq is creating a dire situation in that country.
"It's unraveling because we didn't keep residual force there, because the President of the United States pledged to get out of Iraq," McCain said. "We could have kept a residual force there and kept some stability. And instead it's unraveling, and Iran's influence is increasing and there's every possibility you could see a very chaotic situation there."
It isn't surprising to hear these people spouting nonsense. The snippets of the recent GOP debates have Mitt Romney pretty much characterizing Pres. Obama as Chairman Mao. His descriptions seem to be based upon nothing but a caddish desire to pander to the delusional fantasies of the Republican base. We are fed a narrative more or less implying (I take a bit of poetic license here) that before Chairman Obama came along, America was a free-wheeling land untroubled by government power-grabs or undue interference with the marketplace. But now, just since January 2009, it has become a welfare state wherein the wealthy and industrious are sorely beaten down for the benefit of the lazy and the stupid. What a load of ahistorical rubbish! If I tried to palm such a story off on Americans, I don't believe I could even keep a straight face. You gotta hand it to these pols -- there should be a special Oscar for "Biggest Phony" and "Best Supporting Actor in the Service of an Ideological Scam."
ReplyDeleteThere should be a pillory - a real laughing stock or perhaps a public pissoir for these bastards.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how much or quite what to make of it, but some of the most hide bound Republicans I know are fed up with it.
I like the way Romulus went after Huntsman last night for furthering "Obama's policies" -- like my god how can we listen to you since you served your country when "that man" is in the White House (and they don't call it the White House for nothing) and aren't we all about thwarting "Obama's policies?" (even when they were our policies to begin with) And don't ask what those policies are - we're just agin 'em 'cause they're Commonist.
Why I'd tell them they have to do this and we won't stand for that and yada yada -- yeah, right, Rombo -- and they have every reason to listen to you too, don't they. And sure, he feels our pain and he knows what it's like to worry about being laid off - right.
I'm sick of the circus and sicker of all these clowns.
The "residual force" keeping Iran at bay was Saddam Hussein. And we didn't care that Iraq and Iran were in almost perpetual war as long as the oil kept flowing from both countries. But Big Oil, in the form of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, got greedy and killed the dog guarding that junk yard. Now all the Conservative candidates with the exception of Ron Paul are sabre-rattling about going to war with Iran. Wonder who is going to pay for that one?
ReplyDeleteUnder the heading of "Oh by the way..." here's a link to a delightful little piece from those commies over at HuffPo in which the Socialist Party -- the real deal! -- derides ol' Tex Perry over remarks:
Yahoo! Onward Yankee Socialists! All thousand of 'em! (I'm amused that the number of American socialists is even that high.)