Thursday, July 19, 2012

The terrorists within

Perhaps now that John McCain is no longer running for president, he doesn't have to be so afraid of every little thing he says  to the point where he says and does some incredibly stupid things.  Choosing Sarah Palin, for one thing and telling us in all snarkiness that the economy is robust and those lying liberals are talking it down because they hate America or Capitalism or whatever, he made himself foolish to the point where, had he been a Democrat, Republicans would be vilifying him for the next three hundred years.

At least and at last, he has recovered some character and a little dignity yesterday by describing the attacks by such unworthies as Michelle Bachmann and Florida  District 18 Representative Tom Rooney against Secretary of State Clinton's deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin  as having "no logic, no basis and no merit."  Abedin, of course has relatives "tied to" the Muslim Brotherhood which of course makes Clinton a "serious security concern."  It takes some kind of person -- and I use that term loosely -- to think that our Department of State shares an agenda involving "destroying Western civilization from within," as the raving Bachmann wrote and all because of some tenuous and contrived "links" with organizations somehow associated with other organizations by virtue of being Muslim with other groups who may or may not be enemies.  It's as obscenely contrived as Rooney's obsessive efforts to impeach the President for treason.

Someone watching all this from Mars might find it very amusing and probably would have found it all rather predictable that the party that since the beginning of the 20th century has manufactured support  by manufacturing enemies, would still be grasping for new evil empires to scare us with; with stories of  Sharia law being instituted in New Jersey and government plots to hand the country over, now that the Communist threat seems almost ludicrous to all but the galaxies far, far away, to some grand worldwide Caliphate. They've been desperate for credible enemies since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Yes, certainly we have had some very, very real enemies, but I seem to recall that during the Rise of Hitler, the Republicans were advising us to ignore the Nazis and the Empire of Japan because of the far more important Communist threat at home.  Curiously similar to what Hitler was telling the Germans.  Most of those reading this won't remember Joe McCarthy who made a fool out himself and out of America by overplaying his hand - stuffed with blank pieces of paper claimed to be lists of Communists in the State Department and the "Jew Dominated" movie industry. It was shameful, but as with much of rewritten history, Joe is back and his lies have been whitewashed and he has become a model for such equally shameless whores as Tom Rooney and Michelle Bachmann.  Here we go again.

Indeed, since Florida has been redistricted, my Mr. Rooney will no longer be representing us and the massive support of his would be replacement, the reprehensible and disgraceful Allen West who claims that 80% of Democrats in Congress need to be deported and that Obama supports slavery, is astonishing.  How many politicians have failed by overestimating the ignorance and stupidity and gullibility of the American voter?

How is it, I have to ask, that we have a whole party, a vastly wealthy party, dedicated to terrorizing the American public out of their freedom -- until they give up their rights -- and nobody sees them as terrorists? Communists, Muslim radicals, welfare mothers and of course Liberals - anything to keep the rubes afraid and angry to the point where the real enemy can take over.


  1. McCain may have had a certain amount of cred ten years ago as the maverick republican. Maverick amounting to sane and loving of his people.

    He blew it all in the last three years. We need to look to younger republicans for coolness. I'm talking eight-years old or less.

  2. I knew Bachmann was looney. She has just proven herself dangerous. She apparently has ample company.

  3. Capt. Fogg,

    Alas, I've come to think of the Republican Party as a haven for the nation's least civil, least informed citizens. There are some good eggs here and there, but they seem befuddled, caught in an Eisenhower-Era time warp, and many end up leaving the party in disgust. You're quite right -- for the most part, they've been keeping the nation back and holding it down for generations now. How the republic has survived this long, I honestly don't know. That's the unstinting view from the Jurassic.

  4. What so many in the GOP lack is a basic sense of civic responsibility -- they equate being anything but cruel, pushy and selfish with outright Marxism.

    A few Republican pols have stepped up this time around -- I retain some respect for Senator McCain as always. John Boehner also seems to have told Bachmann to shut the hell up, so good for him. She's one of those loonies for whom there are no limits -- she will say (and presumably advocate and do) anything that comes into her head, with no regard for the consequences for others. Even the leaders of the party screaming at her to quiet down is bound to have only the most fleeting effect on her consciousness -- she will learn nothing from it. The awful thing is, such sociopaths can actually get elected, convincing thousands that their vicious, insane idiocy is good policy or moral rectitude. I think the sane voices in the GOP are too little, too late: from what I can see, Bachmann and her ilk speak for the MAINSTREAM of the Republican Party now, or they are at least in fierce competition for primacy there.

    Anyway, if the party is going to regenerate itself, it really will need to look to younger generations -- McCain's daughter Meghan is a good place to start. She comes across as a genuinely nice young woman, and as outspoken as her father. It's hard to see how she classifies herself as Republican at all. But that's the point: maybe she ought to run for office and provide a renewed model of civic engagement for her party. One can advocate fiscal responsibility and limited gov. without being a complete idiot or a raving, bloodthirsty racist lunatic.

  5. Most do not understand. Most do not care. I have perfectly sane friends who support Allan West. As I sit here reading "The Crucial Decade - America, 1945-1955" guess what is happening? Joe McCarthy. McCarthyims. And good ol' Ike pandered to him and the crazies of the Republican party, just as Mitt will if he wins in November.

    It is nice to know that there are other sane people in this crazy state!

  6. DINO:

    "One can advocate fiscal responsibility and limited gov. without being a complete idiot or a raving, bloodthirsty racist lunatic."

    It's been so long since I've seen evidence of that, but I suppose. in theory. . . I used to think of Barry Goldwater as an RBRL of that order, but now, of course, to the New Right, he's another Trotsky, so far into intergalactic space has the center traveled.

    God knows what kind of a Lefty Nelson Rockefeller would seem to some Galtloving thing like Allen West, for whom freedom means license to do anything at all in the pursuit of wealth and power and for whom the Government serves only to enforce "Christian" morality, unless it too gets in the way of one's personal goals -- in which case torture becomes a rational exception to the moral code. Sorry, I get so bitter and angry of late. I should have been a set of giant jaws, raging through the simmering swamps. . .


    I think the joy of belonging, of being welcomed into a hate club where there is no requirement to know what you're talking about is too great to spoil with deep thinking. Deep thinking these days means watching something other than Fox on occasion. You're right, partying with the Party is just too much fun and the Witch Hunt is our oldest and best loved sport.

    1945-1955: that was my first decade and I still taste bile when it's presented as a golden age. I remember my very Republican father having conniption fits as we watched "that bastard McCarthy" and his ass-licking Familiar Roy Cohn on our big screen 10" black and white Admiral TV. He never voted Republican again after Nixon. These days one's opinions have little to do with empirical observation, unless those opinions exist only to deny the obvious.

    Other sane people? I suppose sanity is relative. At the moment I'm wearing a Kalashnikov T-shirt, cut off jeans and no shoes. There's a Bowie knife in my belt, a crossbow leaning against the door frame and I feel an intense longing looking out the window at the endless jungle. . . Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

  7. Sanity is relative. If I were looking out the window at an endless jungle (unless endless is about 5 miles and there is civilization on the other side) I would be feeling slightly insane. But if it makes you happy, that is acceptable.

  8. "he has recovered some character and a little dignity yesterday"

    A little late with this comment, but I think you are wrong on this one, Captain. Here is what I am sure is happening: After licensing Bachmann, Palin, Santorum and all the rest of them to spread any malicious lies they wanted, in order to "energize" the base, they now have to convince low-information voters that the Republican party is not filled with violent mental cases. The several attacks on Bachmann within a period of a couple of days were a warning to the wingnuts to shut the fuck up for the rest of the campaign; then after the couple of weeks political respite during the Olympics, they will trot out the NEW, ever-so-reasonable Republican party. See if I am not right.

  9. Green Eagle,

    I doubt that Senator McCain is that nefarious -- sometimes, paradoxically enough I think -- conspiracy is less a matter of cigar-chomping swine sitting around a table than it is just the result of how a rigged system works. John McCain may be a reasonable chap and may sincerely mean to do the right thing in denouncing fruitcakes in his own party, but when we step back to a good distance, yes, what you say sounds about right: the GOP is juggling its few remaining non-crazies with its crazies and unreasonables (roughly 97.3% of the party, it seems), and the grand effect is that the supposedly reasonable side will appear just when it has to, and then the madmen can, as Octo would remind us, get back to their "contest for the primacy of the sewer" as if nothing had ever happened.

    When I take brief stock of the kind of hateful, slanderous trash that passes for information on the Right, I don't doubt the sickening effect it has on our politics. We have a very decent, earnest man as our current president, and the cruel, paranoid, insane morons on the Right simply cannot or will not see him for what he is. Instead, they "see" a bloodthirsty radical leftist who's out to rape their fair daughters, kill their grandmothers via "government death panels," and grab their guns from their cold, dead hands. Or something like that -- it's hard to keep up with such delusions, and the talk-factories churn them out and nurture them twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

  10. I doubt that he has the attention span to be consistently nefarious. I do think he is a better man than we saw campaigning against Obama. It was as if all that tugging on his puppet strings were visible. You could, or I think I could see the distaste for what he was being made to say on his face. I'm quite sure he had stronger feeling about torture than his script writers, for instance.

    But a last minute putting on of sheep's clothing is not out of the question. I do however, have to remember a warning from an H.P. Lovecraft story about not calling up demons to help you if you're not sure you can put them down again. Give people like Bachman and Limpbaugh, Anamatronic horrors like Krauthammer and all the other slimy, slithering spawn of Satan a bit of status and recognition and you're taking a big risk that they have no taste for retreating into the shadows.

    I hope they keep it up. It may be our only hope.

  11. LLL,

    The Jungle goes on for a bit and then there's the Atlantic which goes on until Morocco. Much easier on the sanity than living next to a lot of people, at least for me.

  12. "I say to you againe, doe not call up Any that you can not put downe; by the Which I meane, Any that can in Turne call up Somewhat against you, whereby your Powerfullest Devices may not be of use."

    "H. P. Lovecraft- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward"

    I'm a big fan.

  13. I recently re-read that one -- Perhaps his best effort.


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