Monday, November 5, 2012

How the World Views the U.S. Election

According to the Winn-Gallop International Global Poll, Obama beats Romney globally by a landslide despite a close race at home. Here are the stats:

81% global support for Obama,
19% global support for Romney

For the best possible electoral outcome, perhaps we should import more voters from abroad or ... outsource the election.  Interesting to note, the spectrum of American opinion more closely resembles those of Pakistan in terms of partisan preference (and I hope no Pakistanis feel offended).


  1. Hm, I hope not to many Americans were livid over being compared to Pakistanis. But then again...

  2. But, but -- Mitt's the best man for outsourcing, no? Now my tiny dinosaur mind is even more confused.

    Seriously, yes, I saw that figure you're referencing in some article recently. Frankly, a significant portion of our electorate keeps falling for the same discredited ideas. This election shouldn't even be close, and yet Romney will probably get around 48% of the popular vote, perhaps a bit more. He will have FOOLED nearly half the country with his signature mix of pandering to birtherite lunatic racists, hucksterish promotion of trickle-down economics, and false characterizations of President Obama's achievements. At this point, there is no candidate so worthless that nearly half the nation won't support him with booya-level intensity so long as he has an (R) next to his name. They will do so even if he gets caught telling them in no uncertain terms that they're trash. That's ominous.

  3. RN,
    On scales of chicanery and corruption and sheer religious zealotry (which includes unequal and oppressive treatment of women), I think Pakistan and the U.S. have reached rough parity. If the Pakistanis are offended by my inference, again my apologies.

    If Americans are offended by my inference, think about the outrageous statements made by GOP candidates during this election cycle: "Legitimate rape," and "Rape is the Will of God." Is there any difference between candidates Todd Akin and Ricard Mourdock versus - say - the Taliban? You tell me. Personally, I find today's GOP and the Taliban virtually indistinguishable.

  4. Dino,

    Wouldn't it be ironic if Rmoney receives 47% of the vote!

  5. Tragic if he receives even 1%. I tell you, for a person trying to rid himself of the prejudice that the bulk of the populace is dull-minded and unused to thinking logically, this quadrennial festival is only making me more of a confirmed misanthrope.

    Turned on a TV this morning to see another Mutt commercial moaning about how unemployment is soaring over 8% and everything under Obama is getting worse. The spectacle of the same party that just yesterday was snickering about "Liberal" pessimism being the driving force in collapsing the economy is tripping over their forked tongues lying to make it seem worse.

    No, I hate the human race and I hate liars and cheats and power hungry immoral beasts and I hate the fact that there is no justice in the world and unlikely that there ever will be.


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