Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's just a thought

What can you say about a man who holds down weaker students and cuts their hair off? Is it just schoolboy pranks, or evidence of a something else?

"Impersonating a police officer," incidentally, is only a misdemeanor. But why would somebody do that? Do they just like having power over other people?

What kind of person would think it's funny to have kids smell a dish of butter and then push their faces into it? And then do it again, years later, on their grandchildren?

What does it say about somebody who'd strap a dog in a carrier on the roof of a car? Is that animal abuse? (By the way, it's interesting that somebody might claim that the carrier was air-tight. Even assuming that the dog could breath, it obviously wasn't fecal-tight...)

What kind of person "likes to be able to fire people"?

I'm not suggesting that such a person would be anything more than a bully. But it might be enlightening to dig around the grounds of the Romney family home in Michigan. You know, just to see how many small animals have been buried there over the last 65 years or so.


  1. What can you say? Don't get me started, but my Republican candidate for Representative, Allen West is running ten million Karl Rove dollars of TV ads screaming bloody murder about how a 19 year old opponent, Pat Murphy told a cop to 'fuck off' when he was 19. Over and over and over again and why? Because West is a war criminal just like the Japanese and German ones we shot and hanged in 1945 for torturing prisoners.

    The GOP is not a political party, it's a group of pirates and Bolshevik buccaneers out to rape loot and pillage America and anyone who votes for these subhuman goons deserves to be - - - well it's illegal even to mention it so I won't.

  2. And what kind of a political,party would put such a person up for president?

  3. Uh -- a party of crooks, liars and pirates?

  4. Today - after the election - I thought it would interesting to go back and re-read posts just a few days old. A sort of retrospective now that we know the outcome.

    In retrospect, the reprobate lost. Sweet justice! If I recall, didn't Ann (R)money say this would be her husband's last presidential bid? Shall we hold her to her word? Her horse may still be worth a tax deduction, but it seems this is his last dance.

  5. Too many waltzes have ended, said Mr. Stevens, but I don't think so. We need to clear the dance floor.


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