Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Swinging 'round the circle

Observing the American political process, do we really need a geneticist to tell us we're getting stupider?

  • Take the American Bigots Family Association -- please. We need to "clamp down" on immigration because those genetically inferior races Socialist immigrants always vote for Democrats says a spokesman who would never make anyone think of the Nazis.
  • Failed VP candidate Paul Ryan says he lost the election not because he's a dangerously unbalanced and stupid dirt bag but because the genetically inferior races 'Urban' voters turned out to vote.
  • National Disgrace Fox News exhumed that vicious Swift Boat ad after a Washington Post suggestion that John Kerry might be the next Secretary of Defense, continuing their tradition of smearing wounded combat veterans who aren't demented, neo-Fascist, psychopathic liars Republicans.
  • Demented, neoFascist psychopathic liar Grover Norquist told us all that the dynamic Romney/Ryan duo lost because Obama's "attack ads" called Romney a "poopy head." Whorequist ( sorry, that's a typo) maintained that his party has a mandate not to raise taxes even if it causes the destruction of the nation.
  • Ambulatory pustule Rush Limbaugh affirmed that the Republican loss was all about Rush Limbaugh and his grotesquely dishonest, racist, bigoted, misogynist, indecent, seditious Conservative commentary.

"I am, by the way, the primary reason the Republican Party will keep losing, until I am denounced by the Republican Party."

Unfortunately that grotesquely dishonest, racist, bigoted, misogynist, indecent, seditious Conservative commentary is just what the enemies of all things good and decent Republicans like about him


  1. I object to the content of this post, as I am not sure that Rush Limbaugh is ambulatory. Sessile in the Atilla the Hun Chair I think.

  2. There's probably a better word, but I don't know -- slitherbatory?

    But in a way he's right, even though he wasn't the only one outraging the public. The GOP just pissed off too many ordinary people who get tired of having their rights being attacked and of being ridiculed and accused of idiotic things. When you lie indiscriminately and reflexively, sooner or later people notice the contradictions.

    Having been married and divorced as many times as he has, you'd think he would have learned that you don't piss off the women without hearing about it.

  3. Just shaking my head at the very broad brush stroke.

    I suppose it is all out war the progressives desire. Of course they don't have a lock on the thought.

    Costa Rica I hear is a very beautiful place.

  4. I don't see and didn't say anything about a war. It's a bit like accusing Poland of invading Germany and I was talking about specific individuals and specific incidents which would suggest a rather narrow brush. The war has been on for years now and I could and have argued that it's been on since the 1850's, but even then the war against secularism has been on since the 1450's. The war against the news media was launched by Nixon and has been escalating since. As with the the war against Human rights, against theocracy, against Democratic principles, against ancient ugly doctrines the suppression of information and all that stuff - that's what America was supposed to have been about all along and if you're against progress you're saying we're perfect now and were more perfect in the past and that's a steaming pile of shit.

  5. Captain,

    Beware the mega amygdala megalomaniacs. They are out to get us, you know.

    1. Isn't that some kind of Paleocene Armadillo?

    2. To think critics once laughed at the prospect of trans-species punditry. The truth can no longer be suppressed. Human beings are dumbing down; pre-hominids shall rise again !!!

      "Glory, glory, barracuda ..."

  6. I'm really saying I both agree and disagree to some extent with both sides. That and the extreme partisanship this nation's pols have managed to foster will eventually have deep consequences.

    Both sides share in this. Hence my reference.

    I really do hear Costa Rica is a beautiful place.

    1. They even have government health care. Used to be you could buy citizenship, but I don't think you can any more.

  7. What Rushbo provides is a generous daily helping of vitriol, mendacity and cynicism for those who haven't a prayer of thinking for themselves and are fiercely proud of just how infinitely stupid and ignorant they are.

    You can't talk these Arschlochs out of their dangerous fantasies; all you can do is marginalize them at the ballot box repeatedly until they become as close to irrelevant as possible. Praise the Dinosaur Gods on Sacred Mount Gondwana that we have done that twice in a row. We're on a roll, and I like President Obama's pluck lately -- he seems to have figured out that the way to get the public on your side and keep it there is to come out swinging and keep right on swinging against these nattering, depraved, demented bastards who don't give the tenth part of an unsatisfying dump about anything but their own wounded egos.

    1. I think Mount Rushbo is more of a mole hill of late. I'm hoping that all those who get rich emulating him will soon get poor as they sink into embarrassing irrelevance.

      I know that such dangerous fantasies abound and that people who make careers of exploiting them can do fabulous damage. I'm thinking of Rwanda, but yes, there's Hitler. HITLER, HITLER, HITLER and I don't give a shit about any Godwin or God lose.

      There does seem to be a new, second round Obama and I think his opponents see it. That's probably behind the editorial in my paper this morning about how Obama, lacking a mandate, should keep quiet and know his place.

      God damn - I wish aggravated assault were legal. I'm really aggravated.

  8. Capt. Fogg,

    Yes, I refuse to say much of anything about politics to strangers. I just assume they're idiots or certified no-information zones and have done with it. If you asked them who they voted for, they'd only say, "Romney, because he would have cut our taxes and reined in spending, unlike that communist Obumuh." One has only so much time in this pilgrimage called life, and to this not entirely hale old lizard, at least, it isn't worth trying to convince idiots not to be idiots. (Others are welcome to carry on the fight, of course. I just want to read books in my beloved human tongues, and be left alone.) Not only don't they understand, but thanks to our lovely idiot-making edjikashnul sistim, they don't have the basis for arriving at an understanding. It's pointless, and I don't care a great deal anymore.

    I'm glad we voted for Obama mostly on the grounds that the other guy called us all losers, but I suspect that's all that just happened: it was a happy accident that the Republican candidate was even more arrogant than the Amur'can People are stupid and gullible. Basically, Romney's whole campaign strategy was to go to every rooftop he could schedule in and shout at the top of his lungs, "Hey all you stupid, worthless pieces of trash, get off your lazy, ignorant asses and vote for me so I can eliminate the social programs that feed your dumb, lazy, initiative-averse faces. Did I mention how infinite my contempt for you losers is? No, well, how much time do you have? ..." You can't count on that happening all the time, though, so who knows what allegedly protein-based life form we'll end up with as our fearless leader next time around?

  9. "so who knows what allegedly protein-based life form we'll end up with as our fearless leader next time around?"

    Or what rude beast. . .


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