Monday, November 12, 2012


John Perr at Crooks & Liars today quoted Romney as having said about his wife Ann, back in 2007 "Her positions I do not think are terribly relevant to my campaign"   Hell, his own positions haven't been either! "Whatever you wish I would say - well I just said it" would be more accurate.

Almost as telling as the loser  Allen West's insistence that the frivolous law suits he keeps filing, trying to get recount after recount the law does not entitle him to, are "not about me" but rather about justice.  It's about you West and about time you got your "war hero" ass the hell out of town and be content that you weaseled out of an 11 year sentence at Leavenworth.

And of course Obama didn't win fair and square either.  People, you know, second rate people who should know their place, like Women and such voted for Obama because he lied and told them Republicans would march them into "rape camps" if Romney was elected, says Michael Graham, one of the Tea Party's maddest hatters.  You never heard of Rape Camps?  They're right over there next to the Death Panels and the filing cabinet where they keep Obama's Kenyan birth certificate and his Bin Laden autographed Koran.

What, you're just now noticing that the GOP is only a replica of a conservative party and probably put here by body snatching alien invaders who ate the originals?  What were you thinking and what were you thinking with?


  1. Capt. Fogg and all,

    Well, no wonder they're going even more nuts than they already were, if that's even possible. The results of this election make for interesting reading, and what they show is that you can't run the Abominable Okey-Dokey White Man as your candidate anymore and expect him to win just because he's white. The president won over 70% of Latino and Asian voters' support, and well over 90% of the Af-Am vote. Every election cycle, the preponderance of white folk drops about 3% on average, and frankly, the Republican Party has gone out of its way to ensure that as few as possible in non-white populations support them, so they've really boxed themselves in. The Southern Strategy is breaking down since Florida, Virginia and North Carolina are no longer easy wins for Republicans. Change will come and indeed already has in part arrived, and the GOP can either align themselves with the steamroller or be part of the road.

  2. Dino:

    The good thing about the shrinking European factor in the American equation is that it irritates many people I hate. The rise of the formerly oppressed: it's the old nightmare of the reconstruction era and probably of every former slave-owning culture where the slaves were numerous.

    The slave owning south had to invent the myth of the inferior African in order to soothe the vestigial conscience some of them retained and that myth has survived to cause loathing and panic amongst the angry, self-pitying, reluctantly part of the Union whites who need that inferiority to maintain self esteem. They're in a real state of panic and for many it's a fugue state with all the self contradictory raving that entails.

    I love irony of course. Sometimes it's the only revenge we'll ever get, but to watch these "We're the greatest country that ever was in the history of mankind" people simultaneously wallow in that masturbatory chauvinism and yet express a wish to run away and start their own version of the old South Africa, screaming 'socialism' like constipated hyenas about tax levels they previously lauded as the gateway to salvation? Sheer delight. If anyone ever wished confusion upon them, that someone is smiling.

    Change has come, in its usual petty and inconsistent pace. There will be setbacks and perhaps big ones, but if the USA remains all of one piece, its future no longer belongs to the heirs of the Confederacy. They know it of course and that makes them ever more dangerous.

    I might suggest reenforcing the garrison at Fort Sumpter, just for now.


    Seems obvious that the Pithecanthropus Stultus are preoccupied with rape and pederasty and all kinds of terror about their own secret urges. What passes as religion for them has to do with fear and loathing of sex. Perhaps they dream of acting out these urges and want to make it safer in case they get caught. Remember Mark Foley and his crusade against child molestation?

    But obviously the most important thing in the Southern Religion is that the career of no zygote should go interrupted. Funny that their precious bible never mentions it.

    1. Alas, it is written -

      "May their hapless haploids miss their mark - spent and later lost upon a dumb and thankless paper towel."

      Kind of has a Miltonian ring.

    2. May their hapless haploids
      miss their mark,
      spent and later lost upon
      a dumb and thankless paper towel
      and how the vicious curs do bark
      and Southern Baptists howl.

  3. "What, you're just now noticing that the GOP is only a replica of a conservative party and probably put here by body snatching alien invaders who ate the originals?"

    Why do you hate body snatching aliens?


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