Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mexican 'ape woman' buried after 150 years

I know that people will think I am reporting this story out of some sort of sick humor, but I'm not.  Read on:

"An indigenous Mexican woman put on display in Victorian-era Europe because of a rare genetic condition that covered her face in thick hair was buried in her home state on Tuesday in a ceremony that ends one of the best-known episodes from an era when human bodies were treated as collectible specimens.
With her hairy face and body, jutting jaw and other deformities, Julia Pastrana became known as the "ape woman" after she left the Pacific coast state of Sinaloa in 1854, when she was 20, and was taken around the United States by showman Theodore Lent, according to a Norwegian commission that studied her case.
She sang and danced for paying audiences, becoming a sensation who also toured Europe and Russia"

Here is a picture of Juia Pastrana:
Now, why am I interested in her?  It's because I remember very clearly the first time I ever saw this photo.  It was in the late 1960's, and it appeared on the front page of an issue of the Thunderbolt, the newspaper of the National States Rights party, where it was represented as a photo of a crossbreed between a black person and a gorilla, proving that blacks were not really human beings, but apes.

Years later, looking through a book on the history of carnivals, I came across the picture again, this time of course correctly describing what it was.  As you can imagine, I was quite surprised, but at least I was set straight (not that I ever believed that it was really a black person-ape hybrid.  Please give me that much credit.)  But how many ignorant, gullible, hate filled people swallowed this story, fully convinced that it proved that blacks and whites were not the same species?

Whoever wrote this story must have know that it was a lie, but it accomplished its purpose- spreading racist hatred- so I am sure that like right wingers everywhere, they didn't give a damn that they were engaging in one of the lowest forms of human behavior possible.  Well, that's the legacy that we still bear, so that a miniscule percentage of rich people in the South could claim to own other human beings.  And no, sad to say, we have not paid off their debt, a hundred and fifty years later, and their descendants are working as hard as ever to see that the debt hangs around our necks forever.

As the lady said, "What a world."


  1. I remember very clearly the first time I ever saw this photo. It was in the late 1960's, and it appeared on the front page of an issue of the Thunderbolt, the newspaper of the National States Rights party, where it was represented as a photo of a crossbreed between a black person and a gorilla, proving that blacks were not really human beings, but apes.Special People (or similar title). The book included the stories of many "freaks," as they were known in that time era. Others included in the book were the Elephant Man, Tom Thumb, and the original Siamese Twins (Chang and Eng). The book's point of view was both compassionate and scientific. I doubt that the book is in print now; as I recall, it was printed in the 1970s.

    People do have a macabre fascination with oddities and medical anomalies.

    1. A most interesting article, containing much that I did not know about Julia, both before and after her death.

  2. And I remember many "scientific" books printed in the 1930's about "degenerate" features of the lesser races that proved their subordinate role in evolution. Things like attached earlobes, of all things. I wonder if such pseudo-Darwinism pressed into the service of racism is the kind of thing you're calling "scientific and compassionate" here. Forgive me if I'm reading you wrong.

    Speaking of oddities and medical anomalies, the NSRP has rarely been accused of compassion and I'd venture to say wouldn't know scientific from priapic, but that organization -- reconstituted as Storm Front half a dozen years ago is perhaps the one reason this antique arms collector owns a Kalashnikov and practices his marksmanship.

    You know, those shaved heads make great targets when they shine so bright in the moonlight.

    1. You are indeed reading me wrong.

      The book that I mentioned wasn't a racist publication at all!

      In fact, I well recall the portion about the Elephant Man. It was accusatory in that people jump to the wrong conclusions based on physical appearance.

      I'm going to look around to see if I can find my copy of the book. I might still have it. I want to check to see if the book has any possible indication of connection to Storm Front ideology.

  3. Sorry, racism is a touchy subject with me and I'm no friend of white supremacy groups -- not that they like me either.

    I believe it's Storm Front that claims to be the descendent of the NSRP, but I think it's OK to doubt what they say.

    I'd be quite interested to hear more about that book.

    1. No offense taken.

      I haven't read the entire book again today (obviously), but so far I haven't found any section dedicated to Julia Pastrana.

      Amazon has some copies of the book. Because it's out of print, getting a copy is relatively expensive.

      Amazon does have additional information about the book -- some reviews, etc.

      Frederick Drimmer also wrote this book. That one is more available. In fact, just now I put a reserve on a library copy; I have access to a huge public library system here in Northern Virginia.

      BTW, Wikipedia does have a brief entry for Frederick Drimmer.

  4. Found the book! I can't believe it!

    Very Special People by Frederick Drimmer. Published in 1973.

    The cover of the book says the following:

    "The Phenomenal Bestseller that Reveals the REal Lives of Human Oddities -- Their Loves and Triumphs."


    to the Very Special People
    Outwardly different from you and me
    Inwardly the same

    I'll have to spend some time to see if there is material about Julia Pastrana in the book. There likely is: her picture is on the cover.

  5. to the Very Special People
    Outwardly different from you and me
    Inwardly the same



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