Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kill me once, shame on you

Kill me twice? 

What do you say about a "religious" couple who have so much faith that they let their 2 year old die in 2009 because they thought prayer was making him better and again letting their 8 month old die from diarrhea last week because, you guessed it, the power of prayer was better than Immodium or God forbid, a trip to the pediatrician.

Well, I won't tell you what I'd say, I'll say it. Maybe it's true that Gods don't kill people -- people kill people, but maybe it's also true that faith is dangerous and maybe faith kills and maybe it kills all the more because we worship faith itself and give special status to people who believe in such dangerous superstitions instead of charging them with manslaughter.

Herbert and Catherine Schaible have been teachers in and members of the First Century Gospel Church in Philadelphia, PA where 'faith healing' is promoted.  A church that receives taxpayer support for convincing people to let their children die rather than receive medical attention.  First Century indeed.  In the 21st, it's unacceptable, it's shameful, it's ignorant, it's murder. Yes, I believe in religious freedom, but not in the freedom to inflict dangerous superstitions on other people, particularly minor children.  I fully support the freedom of people like the Schaibles to jump off cliffs to prove that faith will support them as long as no one is forced to hold hands with them in the attempt.

Too bad you can't make people blow into a meter and determine their faith level, but any level that allows children to die to prove their parents' devotion to asking gods for favors rather than doing what can easily save their lives -- is too damn much. 

Oh, and by the way, if this is a "Christian Nation" why aren't we indicting the Federal Government?  Why not the First Century Gospel Church? Why not Jesus as a co-conspirator, an accessory before and after the fact?  If he could have acted and didn't -- if in fact he exists, isn't he guilty too?  

If you're going to give me some crap about 'Heaven' and God's 'mysterious' ways, or God giving us free will,  don't bother to blow into the Faith-O-Meter.  You're already proved how full of it you are


  1. This deserves a comment. No, lots of comments. My question is...WHY IN HELL DID THESE PEOPLE NOT GO TO JAIL FOR THE FIRST OFFENSE????? Neglect which results in death of another should have no "extenuating" circumstances. Seriously.

  2. I wonder how long it would take to arrest, indict, convict and incarcerate these people if they were muslims doing the EXACT SAME THING. Well, that's not true, I don't really wonder.

    1. Nor do I. One gets a different response when asking if Christian extremism and Jewish extremism are more benign than Muslim extremism.
      I wonder what those two think about the danger of Sharia law suddenly appearing in the US.

    2. Make it four. True extremism (which these crimes certainly are the result of) in any form is perhaps the greatest threat our nation is facing. Blind faith in any mystical belief is a grave threat to reason and as such to the liberty and freedoms the majority of us hold as our birthright.


  3. I would have to say it is not religion or faith that kills but misinterpretation and ignorance. I am reminded of a story about the guy who drowned and made it to the Pearly Gates. While he was clinging to a tree he prayed for God to save him. A boat came by but he refused to leave, saying he was waiting for God. A helicopter arrived and dropped a line and again he refused because he was waiting for God. He stood at the gates sorely disappointed and said to God, "I waited for you to save me, why didn't you answer my prayer?" To which God replied, "I did answer your prayer but why didn't you get in the boat or grab the line from the helicopter I sent?"

    1. A powerful aguement for reason methinks. Not faith or religion(s). Religion is the great sedative, unlike spiritually awareness

    2. Yes, RN, religion is not necessarily spiritual awareness nor does spiritual awareness particularly need religion. If someone can accept the idea of an omnipotent God that answers prayers then why do they believe that the gifted, healing hands and wonderous medical advances are not also from God? Twisted, ignorance that defies logic.


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