Wednesday, August 7, 2013


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RNC Chairman Reince Preibus appears poised and ready to ascend the bully pulpit and further shrink the GOP elephant into a pygmy-sized pachyderm. Story here:

GOP at war with CNN and NBC over Hillary Clinton TV projects

Out of a sense of fairness and decency and in the interest of the political process and your company's reputation, I call on you to cancel this political ad masquerading as an unbiased production," Priebus declared, calling these productions “a thinly-veiled attempt at putting a thumb on the scales of the 2016 presidential election” in letters to CNN President Jeff Zucker and NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt.
What unleashed this tirade from the rancid proboscis of Reince Priebus? Last Friday, NBC announced plans to produce a four-hour biopic on Hillary Clinton, starring Diane Lane in the leading role. Two days later, CNN unveiled plans to produce a documentary on Mrs. Clinton, produced and directed by Charles Ferguson whose Oscar-winning film, Inside Job, exposed corruption in the financial services sector.  In response, Priebus threatened this boycott of CNN and NBC:
"If you have not agreed to pull this programming prior to the start of the RNC's Summer Meeting on August 14, I will seek a binding vote of the RNC stating that the committee will neither partner with you in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates which you sponsor," Preibus wrote to the networks.
With Hillary’s candidacy undeclared and hypothetical as yet, GOP concerns are irrelevant due to the fact that Mrs. Clinton has been a public figure on the national stage since 1992 – as First Lady of the United States (1993-2001), as United States Senator from New York (2001-2009), and as Secretary of State in the Obama administration (2009-2013). In short, Hillary Clinton is the subject of living history, and there is no candidate within the ranks of the GOP who can match her stature.

Can Reince Priebus really be THAT desperate to dictate the news and bully the press in an effort to salvage his incredibly shrinking brand?  Give me a Hillary Show any day instead of reruns of the idiot circus comprising “6-6-6” Cain, “Oops” Perry, and “Frothy” Santorum.


  1. The chair of the party threatens two of the largest and most influential networks for news and politics? What a crybaby! I can see the network execs doing the "Cha!" thing and just giggling themselves silly at the board meetings. Michael Steele would never have embarrassed his party in such a shameful way.

    Chalk up yet another huge mistake to Boehner.

  2. That's why we love Boehner - for his boners.

    I mean in the contest for the most insane, ignorant and irrelevant idiot destined to run for president in 2016, he has to work hard to move ahead of the rest of the batshit brigade.

    I mean when Santorum can make a speech complaining that you can't take a shower at the YMCA because of liberals advocating reproductive rights and how the conservatives won the Revolutionary war because they opposed slavery and "the culture of death" which is abortion -- you can't just sit there with your mouth closed.

    There are many rings in the idiot circus, you know.

    1. My personal favorite was how he defended Mark, (are you rock yet?) Foley.

  3. FJ,
    Perhaps it is ironic to note that Citizens United wanted to air a film critical of Hillary Clinton (i.e., Hillary: The Movie) and advertise it on TV in apparent violation of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (commonly known as the McCain–Feingold Act). In a 5–4 decision, the SCOTUS declared this Act in violation of the First Amendment, thus opening the floodgates of corporate money in our political life.

    When the subject is Hillary, the GOP likes to have it both ways and either "giveth" or "taketh away" depending upon which way it advantages them. Hypocrites! I hope the rancid proboscis gets a bloody nose over this one.

  4. Hypocrisy not irony. It is ironic how they used that decision to totally kick our asses. I don't know if anybody perused the mini-series, "The Kennedys," starring Greg Kinnear as JFK. I thought it would be great historical fiction. What a hatchet job! The History Channel refused to air it. It portrayed John and Bobby as indecisive little boys calling their father every time they had to make a decision.

    Good grief! So that's how Citizens United came about? What a coup d'etát!

  5. I for one will be eating a lot of popcorn between now and 2016.

    The Preibus and Santorum Comedy Show. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?


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