Tuesday, August 6, 2013



  1. Le papier hygiƩnique, il ne mourra jamais!

  2. Captain,
    After years of allowing myself to be tempted by hype, I finally decided to treat myself to an iPad - thinking it would make a conveniently portable platform for blogging on the road. Nope. Nothing about the iPad conforms to my work habits. Its doesn't multitask, doesn't allow me to keep multiple windows open at the same time, or allow me to read and write simultaneously. Inside Blogger comment boxes, the on-screen keyboard has a tendency to lock up, especially when spell check is enabled, and I cannot determine if Apple or Google is at fault. I went from "enabled" to "disabled" in short order.

    In front of Starbucks yesterday, I double-parked my frog on my iPad; it ended up towed.

  3. And yet the paid pundits are holding funerals for notebooks and have declared big computers dead. Wishful thinking, I guess, but if things don't sell to kids, nobody wants to make them. It's like adult dollars don't count.


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