Monday, August 5, 2013

The plastic palm at the end of the world

It's impossible to sum up American culture these days.  It's a farrago of barbarian freak chic, phony Euro faddism,  retro-futurism and gross slob-snobbery. That's only a sample, of course.  There are more sub-cultures, cults of style and lack thereof than I care to or can enumerate, but when a plain old cup of plain old coffee becomes an "Americano" even in the heart of America -- when Wendy's serves "Tuscan" hamburgers, when anything from dogfood to doughnuts, not made entirely by robots is "Artisinal" (and perhaps Tuscan as well) I might have to stop using the word culture at all and substitute circus, but for the fact that the large number of retired circus people and side show freaks in Florida are generally nice people and not given to parading around in "look at me" mode, unless of course they're getting paid for it.

Who the hell are we trying to fool but ourselves?  The waitress at the diner or Dunkin' Donuts or the Waffle House isn't any more a Barrista than a μπάρμαν  yet we've accepted that peremptory commercial intrusion unquestioningly as though it retroactively had been painted into the Nighthawks where the patrons were doubtless drinking "venti's" or Frappuchinos with hand harvested Madagascar Cinnamon -- free range, artisinal and fair trade, of course. In Germany they call it Barkeeper, In Paris and Madrid it's a barman, but English isn't good enough here.  You'd never order squid or snails and if you want Dolphin caught off Vero Beach, Florida, you'd better ask for it in Hawaiian, you uncouth American you.

Does the near universal phoniness and inept pretense indicate that Americans, for all their boasting and bravado really feel inferior?  Do we suspect that our commercialized, mechanized, industrial culture leaves us with an inchoate longing for authenticity that this same commercially manufactured culture is willing to provide in a chrome plated, sanitized, injection-molded and fake "Euro inspired" form?  Is it our American insecurity motivating our fashionably unshaven McEpicurians, Bourgeois bohemians, Natural Food and alternative medicine alchemists to seek out erzatz  authenticity and attach exotic names to our pedestrian lives and quotidian pursuits?  Is the white teenager with the shoes and baggy pants and rasta hat and the Kia Soul with "rims" really seeking the "authenticity" of not being middle class and white?

Come on, half the studded leather Bikers at Daytona Bike Week are dentists and accountants, pretending to live a life that wouldn't allow them to keep their Lexi and Audi-Doodys and suburban houses or to sip those 15 dollar artisinal Tuscan Latte's on their lunch breaks. How many of those red Ferraris on South beach are rented by the day and saved up for all year?  How many of the sad losers in those smoke filled casinos feel like high rollers when they toss the keys to their ten year old Hyundai or their leased Lexus to the valet ( or is it carrista now)? only to be made fools of by a beeping and hooting machine that just ate their Social Security check.

Yes, we'll raise hell with you if  you hint that we're not "number one" but I suspect we hate being Americans far more than the rest of the world hates us for being Americans. 


  1. A coffee is still a coffee, a squid a squid, a snail a snail, and I for one do not feel inferior being an American. Regardless of how other Americans may feel about being American.

  2. "A coffee is still a coffee, a squid a squid"

    As time goes by?

    I don't feel inferior to Europeans in any way and that's why I still call a coffee a coffee. I don't order 'escargot' because I don't like them and yes, a squid is still a squid and I sure as hell don't order Mahi-Mahi when I want Dolphin. Starbucks can go buck itself.

    Besides, and for whatever it's worth, I'm American and I can't be anything else.

    1. Captain, that is as well stated as could be. We Americans should be proud to be an American. We should not be arrogant Americans. And, we should work to become even better Americans, always.

  3. C'mon now, didn't we invent the 'Red Neck TV' genre?

  4. Another place that America is Number One!

  5. Well, because I was raised by immigrant Italian parents, it took me years before I realized that there was an English/American word for "scolapasta."

    Also, calamari was what we called it until I realized, with horror, that I was eating squid! And I happily ate "lumache" until I found out what they were.

    For years, I thought the Italian word for "bathroom" was "bachowza," since that's what my grandparents called it. I learned that was a ItalEnglaise bastardized word meaning "back house." The polite Italian word for the wc is either gabinetto or toiletta.

    I was a very mixed up child who, until I was 6 or 7, called a cookie a "biscotto," and everything we put "gravy" on was never "pasta" but always "macaroni."

    I'm still somewhat confused. And thoroughly American.

    1. I can relate to this since I was also raised by European parents. English is my second language even though I was born here. I have spent my whole life with one foot in each world. So how do you define an American? Those of us, despite our very prominently ethnic backgrounds, are as American as those who can trace their roots to the Mayflower.

  6. Indeed and the Mayflorists were hardly the first Americans. They'd just like you to think so.

    Teddy Roosevelt gave a much quoted and sometimes misunderstood speech about being tired of the hyphenated Americans. It would be nice if we could all put more emphasis on the American part, but we've been a fractious and disunited country held together by I don't know what and when we lack an external enemy to unite against, we find it all too easy to find one at home.


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