Saturday, October 12, 2013

Reading the Trolls

Troll infections seem to come in clusters. Often frustrated trolls will assume multiple identities so that they can get in another word before they're identified and locked out or perhaps they enlist other trolls down at the International Brotherhood of Morons hall to join them, but they do arrive, each one confident and bright-eyed and sure that some totally irrelevant and baseless observation will cause great consternation amongst the 'Libtards.'  Sure that they can get away with posing as wise and informed and superior as a brown shirt in a beer hall.

I used to have a Shi-Tzu; 12 pounds and elderly, he never hesitated to go after pit bulls and dobermans, pawing the ground and snarling, leaving me to sort the matter out with the usually laughing owner of the other dog. He never learned.  He never could. He was a dog and driven by a dog's instincts. Humans could laugh and drag the animals apart.

But that was in the real world.  The blog world exists in the dark where both the bystanders and those who hold the leashes are invisible. Whence cometh our help?  Don't look up, there's nobody there.  So the guy who shows up under some assumed name, thinking himself a political lion, wearing his Tea Party Ghost Shirt and weighing in with a 97 IQ never has the opportunity to feel shame or hear the laughter directed at his idiocy. As far as the dog was concerned he won every "debate."

Even the pathetic 12 year old with a spray can and a backwards hat can, however briefly, see his initials on the boxcar or warehouse wall. The troll doesn't always have that pleasure unless of course we give it to him by making  the mistake of taking him seriously enough to explain why his treasured contribution is wrong. His only purpose is that brief feeling of significance he gets from making you angry. Reply and he wins. Treat him with dignity and respect and you lose. He's a troll.

Prove him wrong and his argument false?  That's usually, as the inimitable Arnold would say, a Big Mistake, because of course, you can't refute tags like "Obama is a turd" by any rational means, nor can one convince the Klansman or the village idiot that a spray painted swastika on a synagogue isn't just hilarious.  One can only delete, paint over the grafitti before the troll's friends get to admire the shit stains.

More problematic than the "taggers" are trolls who have bought the little red book, full of slogans and shibboleths, talking points and lies so rank and septic you just can't resist that all too easy seeming shot to the head.  They may appear on the surface to be amenable to an easy and irrefutable proof of their error, but it's a trap because one is, in essence, arguing with a zombie -- a mindless program consisting of  countless IF THEN GOSUB routines (for those of you who remember FORTRAN) which take each unassailable observation, every brass bound QED, every thermonuclear refutation and return some irrelevant reply that steers your argument out into the back alley by the dumpster where the thugs lurk.

"No sir, the Blue Cross policy you buy through the ACA does not have hidden provisions to murder your grandmother and prevent your doctor from removing that infected appendix."  Easy to prove, but suddenly you find yourself  arguing about how denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions is what Jefferson devoutly wished for America and how Hitler used guaranteed access to health care to gas the Jews and how Obama is a Muslim, Communist, illegal alien and you're in a labyrinth where every branch has a thousand branches and a Minotaur at every turn.  Health care reform is the worst thing ever to happen in America and worse than Slavery, and Obama will eat your children. They're hear to shout that and not to argue with you.

Annoyed and frustrated trying to prove that A times B equals B times A to a senile Shi-Tzu with cataracts and poor hearing?  That's what the Tea Party is all about; reading Doctor Suess to Congress and blaming the Democrats for not ignoring the law.  Losing the chess game and turning over the board.  Starting a one legged blind man as quarterback and then kidnapping the referee until he "cooperates" with your "negotiation."

The one reason I enjoy The Swash Zone is the comment section and the regular participants. The reason I want to quit, to move to some remote Caribbean cottage with no internet, is the comment section.

TV shows like The Walking Dead have become the metaphor for the Idiot's Crusade and worse -- at least the zombies are independently devoid of brains and full of destructive rage.  The Republican insurgents are being directed, used, sent out like biological weapons to destroy Democracy for a purpose. It's a zombie apocalypse and there are just too damned many of them and more all the time.  Reading the trolls, writing the same things after all this time, getting nowhere leads me inexorably to that one overwhelming question:  Belize or Dominica?


  1. As far as Blue Cross, nobody screwed the American public in any way one tenth as much in regards to the PPACA. They knew very simply that all they had to do was raise their rates, which was perfectly legal. They raised their average premiums often as much as fifty percent as a pre-emptive strike, hoping that the morons would blame the rate increase on the democratically approved law.

    The first rate increase in California I believe occurred in the summer of 2012. Then the big fucking whammy hit on January 2013. An incredible 50% increase in premiums for Anthem Blue Cross PPO. Literally from less than $500/mo to just slightly over $750/mo. I'm not shitting you. When I cancelled my coverage, the dickhead on the phone tried to tell me that I would be left at the mercy of Obamacare without my treasured and grandfathered-in Blue Cross policy that I have been paying since 1985.

    Anthem was a novella by Ayn Rand. Coincidence?

    It's actually a fun read. It's like Orwell for second-graders.

    1. FJ,
      I can confirm this. In fact, there was an incident last week at my girlfriend’s school (which affords me an opportunity for investigative journalism).

      Last week a BC/BS account representative visited her school to renew/review/modify health insurance plans for all teacher-employees. Teachers left these meetings angry as hell at ObamaCare. Why? Rates were up substantially over last year, and the BC/BS rep attributed these increases to ObamaCare.

      Bullshit was my response when I heard the report. As in years past, the insurance industry has been gouging subscribers, and these new rate increases have no bearing whatsoever on ObamaCare. This is a political hit job by insurance industry insiders hell bent on protecting their filthy cartels. Exploiting these private insurance review meetings as an opportunity for partisan sabotage strikes me as grossly unethical.

      Maybe a few telephone calls next week followed by a post.

  2. I know, I had Blue Cross for many many years -- Medicare now. Most of the reason we hear so much howling is that O'Care isn't all that bad.

  3. Captain,
    With regard to Internet trolls, a University of Wisconsin-Madison study showed how insult-laden comments (“You’re an idiot”) do more than divide readers. It actually changed reader perceptions of a story. Which leads me to believe that some of these trolls are not trolls but paid and/or self-appointed Cyberspace psy-operatives conducting war minus the shooting. Witness the consistency of their stalking points – as if scripted from the same sources.

    Until recently, my attitude with respect to trolls has been “delete, delete, delete.” Now, I find myself ambivalent. When trolls trade on deceptions, misinformation, and the equivalent of psychological warfare, commenting can serve a useful purpose - debunking the bullshit. Furthermore, this concerns me: Outright lies that remain unchallenged metastasize cancer-like throughout Cyberspace.

    I now believe we are engaged in civil war minus the shooting. If you believe this, all of us are foot soldiers and have a role to play.

  4. Healthcare costs have been rising and or the value for the same dollars has decreased. Such has been the case before the ACA. Unfortunaly the recent significant increases can only be attributed to politics and opportunism on the part of insurers.

    I am not certain the ACA is such a great thing. I don't really believe anybody is certain. However, I'm certainly willing to adopt a wait and see attitude. We should know within a few years.

    Comment moderation pretty much takes care of trolls on ones own site. Ignoring the rest works well.

  5. Back when I was blogging I got caught up in a Troll Fest. I then discovered the sage mantra "don't feed the trolls". The guy soon caught on that I would summarily delete his comments thus denying him the true reason for his existence; the vicarious thrill of stirring people up.

    Well I didn't delete all his posts; he having realized his postings would not see the light of day, posted a message directly to me that he was going to visit all the blogs of my female followers, posing as me, and harass them. But that backfired on him as I posted his personal message to me for my female followers to read for themselfs. I became unpredictable rather than manipultable, so the troll found another bridge to hide under.

    Really, these guys don't really care about the issues, or any issues - they have a psychological need to push someone's buttons in order to give themselves a hard-on. When their posts disappear into the ether with narry a trace, they usually slink away to find someone else who will bite.

  6. "Which leads me to believe that some of these trolls are not trolls but paid and/or self-appointed Cyberspace psy-operatives conducting war minus the shootings."

    I've read enough of their spam to believe this.

    The best way to counter their lies, deceit, and deliberate misinformation, IMO, is to mock them. Take their words and turn them into what Alice heard at the Mad Tea Party.

  7. The trolls do serve a purpose. The people who produce posts for websites like the Swash Zone spend so much time immersed in politics that they know perfectly well what these people are and how deranged their thinking is. But try asking around- most people just have no idea how far out of the mainstream and how angry and belligerent the Republicans have become. They have been taught all their lives that we live in a democratic society where things are resolved by serious people bent on an equitable solution, and they just can't accept how far off the rails the opposing party has become. Appropriate action will not happen until a large number of people really wake up to how sick Conservatives are, and they will not do that unless they are exposed to the irrationality that pours from the typewriters of Conservatives every single day, but is mostly only seen by fellow Conservatives.

  8. I used to get real excited at all the comments and traffic till I got a tracker and found out half of them came from one IP address in Long Beach NY. That IP address produced at least 100 blogs and profiles that posted the same talking points all over the place. My favorite was the Rght is Right lady, who of course was a guy but really did a good job playing and angry white republican chick.

    1. Dearest Joe,

      Please tell me that cynthiaseesitright from Massapequa, Long Island isn't a male troll. She's a total sex goddess! Oh dear Lord, don't let it be true!

    2. The thing to do is enjoy the ride and then act outraged when you find out she's a he.
      Not that I ever did that mind you.

    3. Joe, Ralphie the Malcontent lives. He's still at it. He can change his names and pretend to be female, but one thing he cannot change is his illiteracy which is painfully evident in every post or comment he composes all over the internet. It's like a finger print, it cannot be changed.

    4. Very few of them can hide the dull English. None of them seem aware of it but some suspect that writing better, more accurately; offering trenchant retorts, valid arguments and lots of facts means we're stupid and arrogant.

      It's an American disease -- putting faith and trust in the opinions of the ignorant and angry. The name airports for John Wayne, they tried to add Reagan to Mt. Rushmore. They elected W. They laugh at Darwin and Einstein. They drink Budweiser. Their political party is based on providing diapers for their incontinent brains, providing a neverland where self-pitying losers never have to admit error.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Total elapsed time to delete troll comment: 1 minute.

    I am re-activating comment moderation..

    1. Glad to hear it. being on 24 hour troll patrol is exhausting. But again, it's about we're "arrogant" for refuting childish lies and yet not one shred, not an iota, Toyota or club soda of support for any of his assertions - not one. Just a lot of pro-forma stuff off the check list: Ed show, talking points, arrogance -- heaven forfend that he refute anything, prove anything supply fact or evidence, scriptural exegesis, goat entrails - nada.

      Accuse, accuse, accuse and accuse some more. Who even remembers what horse he rode in on? All we know is that he thinks he's smarter, is part of a smarter club and yet we're arrogant for giving him a line by line documented refutation, illuminated, illustrated and vellum bound.

      I wonder if he gets his 50 cents if he's only up for a minute?


We welcome civil discourse from all people but express no obligation to allow contributors and readers to be trolled. Any comment that sinks to the level of bigotry, defamation, personal insults, off-topic rants, and profanity will be deleted without notice.