Thursday, December 12, 2013

About that Time Magazine cover ...

(Ahem ... modesty prevents)


  1. Not at all surprised to see an Octopus on the cover, but really, smoking a cigar without lungs? Isn't that -- well, a bit, uppity?

  2. Did His Holiness, Frank, get to the "big boys" and convince them to change their minds?

    1. His Holiness is a far more humble person than your cephalopod. After he blessed me and washed my tentacles (all 8 of them), he said: "Behold, you shall be on the cover of Time Magazine" and so it was.

  3. is that with or without the marinara sauce? Someone told me I made the cover of 'Newsweek' but I can't seem to find it at the bookstore.

  4. Supposedly, Newsweek may yet return in print form. But look for Octo on the cover of Cigar Aficionado soon.

    I hear there's a great recipe for smoked Octopus in Bon Apetit this month.


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