Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wisconsin hates workers

Thanks to Sheria for calling my attention to this one.  I've long been amused at conservatives who insist we should all get our health insurance from employers so that we lose it when we need it most, but the laugh is that these folks are the descendants of the head bashers who fought the labor movement of the last century to protect employers from having to provide any benefits at all, such as paid vacations, sick days and of course a 5 or 6 day work week.  The reason they'd prefer employer based insurance only is that it's the gateway to no insurance at all.

Of course I use the word "amusement" cynically. It seems that not only should employees not be allowed to ask "please sir may I have some more" without being thrown out in the snow, Wisconsin Republicans, Bibles in hand, think there should be no rest on the seventh day, except for Congressmen, of course.

You see, Wisconsin workers really want to work more days to make more money say Sen. Glenn Grothman of West Bend and Mark Born of Beaver Dam.  I mean, this is the land of opportunity, right?   And what's more productive of opportunity than to reduce the men, women and children of  the Dairy State to abject serfdom so these useless parasitic slugs may receive knighthoods from the lords of industry?  I mean when you're at the bottom, any direction is up. We're putting Americans on an upward path!

Are we at the point where Republican Freedom is indistinguishable from Feudalism, where Freedom is indistinguishable from Slavery?  Are we listening to people who don't believe in human rights, decency or civic responsibility -- to people who think do as you're told should be the law?

Why is America so clueless?


  1. I definitely smell a rat. I believe the motivation for this law would be to lay off workers or delay new hires. Taking well-trained, hard-working employees and paying them to work overtime will be much cheaper in the long run. Fewer workers, same amount of production. No additional monies required for healthcare, insurance or expensive training. Also a nice way to weed out lazy employees who want to spend time with their friends, families and hobbies.

  2. Yes, a longstanding problem with the Right's fearless promoters of The Market is that they don't appear to see it as a vehicle to the good life but rather as a purpose unto itself. Why do we need 100% undistilled, unmoderated, unfiltered and raw capitalism? Because capitalism, that's why, they proclaim to the mountaintops. But economic systems are always a means to an end, not an end in themselves.

  3. Capitalism as described by bloggingdino has not existed for well over 100 years.

    In reality the right does not actually want such a economic system.

    Corporatism and crony capitalism serves their interests more effectively.

  4. Because this is how the media reports it.

    Not how it really is.

    You can confuse some of the people all of the time.

    And all of the people some of the time.

    But those times are a-ending.

    The question is how long it takes to reach the next stage.


    Why is America so clueless?


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