Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I have seen the future

Or the selfie of the future, that is.

Selfie of the day, selfies of the week -- we can hardly breathe with the effort of working selfie into every page, every story, every moment of news.

6 uses of the word in a 15 second news spot and it's hardly unique. They're trending on Twitter and I effort to litter every page with SELFIES!

How did we ever get along without that word in those dull, crepuscular days without hashtags when only birds would tweet and that picture you took of yourself was a picture you took of yourself?  No,  selfie is here to stay and there is a future to come when old men in tattered backwards hats sit on park benches sharing shaky-handed selfies and  blowing farts through their boxers, belts around ankles and tweeting about efforting their bowel movements. Tattooed nonagenarians with Titanium hip replacements and gold-rimmed bifocal Google Glass, sharing selfies.

I have seen the future. Androgynous naked teens, covered in genetically engineered cat fur, brains wired together by the web, trending. They hide in the trees, laughing and taking selfies for their friends on the moon.


  1. Anthony Wiener did his part to promote selfies.

  2. I wonder if we don't need a new name for those things -- Dikpix maybe?

  3. Narcissies? For me, that seems a better definition of what they are.

  4. Hmmm - you're looking at one right here. Now how could anyone with a face like that be a narcissist? One of the first photographs taken was a self portrait and so many iconic artists have painted themselves and photographed themselves, but that we suddenly have a new baby-talk word makes it different? It's our unbridled lust to feel like we're participating in a collective uniqueness that gets to me and yes, collective uniqueness is a contradiction.

    It's one thing to quote Keats or Aristotle and another to not be able to stop quoting some imbecile with a 200 word vocabulary and a smartphone.


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