Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hell no!

Brian Williams -- seriously?  6 months suspension with no pay for "misremembering" an incident from the early days of the Iraq war.  Bush's war, the one based on blatant and documented lies.  Did they actually fire at Williams' helicopter 12 years ago or not?  That's what matters. Sure, it was a bit of braggadocio on Williams' part, he should be ashamed to be no better than most politicians with padded resume's and he will be punished. 

Fox News will not be punished for reportage that according to those who supply facts to back it up, supply us with an estimate of  40% outright lies about substantive matters  Another 38% are partly false. Less than 25% of their reportage is really true and the electorate makes their decisions based on damned lies.  They're still on the air.  Is this a double standard?   Is this a country where any use of the term ethics is ironic enough to make the Devil giggle with delight?

Is Brian Williams to be compared with an entire network of burning pants sociopaths?

Steven Emerson:  "There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."


Lyin' Bill O'Reilly:  "The 'Denver Post' has actually hired an editor to promote pot." (Oh really?  No, O'Reilly)  

Sean 'Insanity' Hannity is in a league of his own.

Are there any standards at all when it comes to promoting the interests of the bigots, plutocrats, and the deranged?   Hell no!


  1. I like Megan Kelly. She is pleasant to the eyes. Just turn the volume way down.

    And Hannity, I listen to him as a way to confirm how sane normal folks really are.

    But a question did come to mind. I noticed you didn't have Limbaugh's intellectual twin
    brother Screamin Levin on the list. Was ths that an unintentional oversight?

    1. Not being a Fox watcher I've apparently escaped knowing about some of the malicious menagerie. I went to youtube and now I've got another lunatic I have to forget I ever saw. Just when I thought I'd seen it all. . .

    2. And Hannity refers to Levin as the "Great Mark Levin". Oy Vey!!!

    3. I guess "great" has some new meaning -- like blowhard. . .

  2. Wasn't Megyn Kelly the only person in the room that had enough sense to believe that Obama had totally just opened up a big, huge can of whup-ass and totally creamed Butt Chimney? There was this classic clip where she marched the entire camera and sound crew down to their control and command center and asked the professional nerds if this wasn't really the case!

    Limbaugh does not possess an intellect. Only a malicious evil.

  3. Limbaugh apparently flunked his Army physical for having large puss filled boils on his anus. I wonder which end of him the doctors were looking at when they made that diagnosis.

  4. //large puss filled boils on his anus// on Fox? Fair and Unbalanced coverage? aND...Dear matters not which end the Doctors examined from....Rush IS a large puss filled anus .....kinda like a Fanny Farmer filled chocolate candy.

    1. Or Fanny Mae puss filled mortgages? :-) Sorry, just couldn't restrain myself!

    2. I was thinking of that.........but I forgot how to spell "Mae"

    3. Somehow that box of chocolates I just got doesn't seem so appetizing.

    4. sorry Capt.........go for the Mike&Ike's

  5. Just shows Williams is taken seriousl unlike the nuts at FOX, so people get upset. He did lie, right?

  6. Everyone lies. Some deliberately, some inadvertently. It does seem like he "tuned up" an old story. We can call it a lie, but the game is about the significance thereof. There are lies and there are lies. No that dress doesn't make your ass look huge. I never had sexual relations with that woman. I didn't shoot the sheriff.

    There is a school of thought that says sin is sin as the preachers say and another one more like Hammurabi the Akkadian said ( although he probably got it from Ur-Nammu the Sumerian) that the punishment fit the crime. Perhaps we should give reference to Gilbert and Sullivan as well, but I'm only suggesting a double standard, not lecturing on the nature and history of law.

    Of course you have a name and so do I and it isn't Fogg so we're both liars, right? Everyone lies. Let's all take 6 months off.


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