Friday, June 5, 2015

The Transformation...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Since Bruce Jenner's transformation into Caitlyn Jenner she has been in the news or talk shows daily. Like many folks i'm sure, I am, and have been totally indifferent to the chatter over her transformation. I admit to not understanding her decision, How could or would I? There is no desire in fact to understand her decision, it does not affect me or my loved ones in any way whatsoever. Neither does it affect broader society in any appreciable way whatsoever, unless you choose to let it. What is important in my view is to simply accept that Caitlyn made the decision that was right for her, for me that is the end of the story.

Apparently there are some who feel differently. Those who believe Caitlyn for some reason should not be accepted for who she is. Maybe it is because of loyalty to biblical verse, or perhaps out of fear that society will be forever changed. Or in the case of El Rushbo apparently it it political, an opportunity to once again to attempt to define the GOP as the intolerant judgmental party that Limbaugh prefers it to be.
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh thinks Republicans should reject Caitlyn Jenner, even if she agrees with them politically.  
Limbaugh said on his radio show Tuesday that liberals are trying to “redefine normalcy” in an effort to stigmatize conservatives and that conservatives shouldn’t agree to their terms by accepting Caitlyn Jenner as a woman.  
He likewise dismissed a conservative blog that wrote that Republicans should embrace Jenner as one of their own to seem more humane, saying that doing so would constitute falling into a liberal trap.  
Under this system, “conservatives and Republicans are the new weirdos, the new kooks,” the pundit said, “and that is part of the political objective here in normalizing all of this really marginal behavior. I mean, if less than 1 percent of the population is engaging in it, it’s marginalized behavior. It isn’t normal, no matter how you define it.  
“We should not be celebrating this, we should not be lionizing this, we should not be encouraging this. These people have a very serious problem, and they need treatment,” he said. “They need help, not encouragement.
Hey Rusbo, since when has simply accepting situations that harm no one encouraging the situation? Caitlyn's decision is a highly personal one (as it would be with anyone making the same decision) and affects only her and her family, a family that has as far as we know understands and has accepted her decision.
“This fits everything the media wants to do in terms of turning the culture upside down, redefining what ‘normal’ is, getting revenge against the majority for all of these decades of discrimination and mockery and disapproval and all these religious fanatics judging other people simply because of, quote, ‘who they love,’

It is impossible for those of us who know Caitlyn's transformation, while significant for her, is really just a minor news event in the broader picture of important issues. Via: Memeorandum Via: POLITICO


  1. Nobody would condemn Rush Limbaugh if he attempted to transform into a man.

    1. I'd have to suggest rejecting him as a man and I use the pronoun reluctantly. Maybe "it" would be better.

  2. Being of the “live-and-let-live” persuasion, I have some sympathy for a person struggling with a gender identity crisis, i.e. a variant of a body dysmorphic disorder. This is not the first -- nor the last -- story of its kind. What makes this story different?

    The publicity Jennerator over Bruce's pudendum addendum has grown tiresome. “Live-and-let-live” is neither mutual nor reciprocal when a personal and private matter is turned into a sensationalized media event. I’ve reached a point of tuning it out.

    1. Me too.
      I respect the spirit of inclusivity, but those of us concerned for the "liberal agenda" can be dismayed by our quondam party's neglect of wider and more essential issues. I really don't care what clothes Jenner wears or what surgery has been performed or hasn't been and I don't feel any sense of obligation because of it, other than the obligation to respect all people (and certain crustaceans) as human beings. Why we worry so much less about someone's desire to go to college or have a living wage or be able to afford a dentist is the question I'd like to ask, but I know the answer.

      We have people dying because they can't afford medical treatment and I'm more concerned about a much more general struggle for acceptance by all sorts of people in our society whose genetics or ethnicity are a problem for them. It's not that I'm offended if a man wants to look and live like a woman or vice versa and can afford it, but are we loosing perspective? Are we as anxious to call a woman a girl because of some botox and a change of clothes; call someone 'your excellency,' because of a costume?

      Hell if I could be reincarnated I'd like to come back as some rich woman's Shi-Tzu, but That doesn't mean you'd have to care or feel the strong need to call me a good boy for everyone to hear.

      I think I detect a hint of the self-righteous desire to appear liberal and supportive that drives people to over-assert the desire to use the new name and pronoun and to be observed enthusiastically doing so. There's a chorus of sheshesheshe that could challenge the sounds of feeding time at the monkey house.

      Of course La Jenner's narcissism has contributed mightily to the hoopla. And perhaps in our new spirit of marching-band Liberalism we should engineer a new, neutral pronoun free of influence by chromosomes or clothes. Maybe we should look at the Chinese language where he, she and it are all pronounced ta?

  3. I agree (O)CT(O)PUS. And, for whatever reason Caitlyn has chosen to be part of the media "event" over her transformation. I do not understand that either I guess. As I stated in the post it is likely most folks think as you and I do.

  4. Everyone should refuse to consider this a left or right issue Captain, anymore than we should consider the medis as a proper venue for discussion.

    Left and right share equal responsibilty for creating the media event. Perhaps it is too much to expect otherwise.

    1. You're right that it's not, or shouldn't be political, but I think the Democrats have allowed themselves to be so fragmented and distracted by things that at best they're a barely bunch of special interest groups demanding attention to the exclusion of other, often more important concerns and refusing to support candidates or supporting candidates based on narrow concerns. The Republicans will support anything and tolerate all sorts of things in a candidate as long as he mumbles the proper slogans. Guess who takes over Congress.

  5. During our local Friday evening "Beat The Press" program on PBS, I heard that the proper honorific or title for transgender folks is Mx, pronounced "mix" or " mux." So now you know.

  6. And I tire of activists and lobbyists and other sorts of arrogant, supercilious and self-important 'ists' telling me what's proper or improper and trying to enlist me in some jihad or other. Funny that they tend to be laissez faire when it comes to Tiring Vs. Tiresome but demand that you conform to their synthetic English usage.

    Miss Jenner or Mrs. Jenner seem quite sufficient to me.

    1. Androgynously 'Jenneric' will suffice for me.

    2. Certainly, just don't forget to call me "your Lordship." my sense of social status dysphoria being an obligation on all those I would have accept their inferiority.


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