Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mike Huckabee Thinks Black People Can't be Citizens

Is everyone too busy hunting for racists under the bed and accusing every dust bunny they find of racism to ignore someone who would make Satan blush and George Wallace take exception at a candidate telling us Black Americans are, by law, not human nor eligible for citizenship?  The Dred Scott decision, says  the excremental Mr. Huckabee,  a man with no knowledge of history, logic or law, is still  "the law of the land."   Is there no shame any more?

No it isn't the law and hasn't been since the constitution was amended to outlaw slavery and to make everyone born here a citizen.  A lot of people died to make that happen and a lot of people died to prevent that.  Any child knows this.  Any naturalized immigrant and probably most of the undocumented immigrants know that our government denies any origin in Biblical law or ecclesiastical authority and again many people died to make that happen.

Frankly there are no Republican candidates that are not delusional, that are not offering their delusions as a reason to vote for them,  nor do any seem to have any grasp of reality or history.  Whether it's the myth of  "Anchor Babies" or Mexican rapists or any of the other lies, distortions or frauds that constitute the Republican platform, not one of them is honest, trustworthy or smarter than a garden slug. Pretending otherwise, giving them support by pretending to be fair and respectful borders on treason, borders on collaborating with an enemy that seeks the destruction of our institutions and the rule of law.  Is this what they mean by "making America great again?

It's embarrassing, it's humiliating and it's terrifying to see this going on and to listen to people who don't react when hearing that Obama is like Hitler, That universal access to health care is Communism or like the Nazis - take your pick: people who think Jesus is or government, that the law applies differently to "believers."  The world laughs at us, and as screwed up as the world is, I don't blame them.  I mean, you can laugh or you can hide under the bed or you can try to find some remote corner of the planet to drink yourself to death in, but  the Zombie apocalypse is upon us: a brainless evil running wild in the streets, waving crosses and pounding on bibles and hunting witches like it's 1499.


  1. Frankly, I would gladly exchange our mindless “middle finger” Republicans for a few grateful refugees, who can better appreciate the blessings of stable government and the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness without fear of persecution. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free …”

    And send back our coarse, our crass, our crude “middle finger” Republicans in exchange.

    1. I don't know whether he's that ignorant, that stupid, or is simply ingratiating himself with people who are both, but all these candidates, like Ben Carson who want to run a "Bible based" government and ignore the constitution (and American History) horrify me. This isn't just about incompetence,

    2. This is about forcing fundamentalist Christian orthodoxy down everyone's throats. Reminds me of Muslim fundamentalists. I fail to see any significant difference. But maybe it's just me.

    3. Nope. It's not just you. Me too. How I detest those who aspire to change our system of government from a constitutional democracy into a de facto theocracy.

    4. Me three. The doctrine of it being so wrong to insult or question of challenge anyone's "faith" .Is questionable now that "faith" has become an aggressive, militant and intolerant of freedom jihad.

      Is it worth mentioning that the First Commandment is religious intolerance?

    5. And of course slavery is back on the table, it seems.


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