Monday, February 15, 2016

Obama, Texas Strangler

Well certainly it's reasonable to assert that Obama is behind the very, very suspicious death of a 79 year old fat man well past the life expectancy of his generation.  After all people who weren't there assure us it's suspicious that his pillow was covering his head.  Anyone having smothered him and having covered up all traces of his presence would have been sure to leave it there and the ability of Obama to transform himself into a bat and fly into and out of locked rooms is well known. Case closed.  We can't discount the suspicion because after all, people are asking questions: people like Alex Jones and that foul Fascist piece of human garbage Allen West.

Is it a sign of  some kind of progress in our society that people who once would have been in a straitjacket  and locked in a cell now run for political office and have radio shows and have followings of millions?  There are times when large numbers of people go insane; when whole countries go insane and the result is often genocide, war and the collapse of law and order.  Is this one of those times? How would we even know, when madness is everywhere we look for guidance? The internet, the radio and TV give us propaganda, lies and the ravings of lunatics and get respect for it.  In a world of blind men, the one eyed man gets ripped to pieces.


  1. O.J. Simpson....with the candlestick in the ballroom. I am sticking with it.

  2. and.....we should not appoint a new Supreme until.....we have an ultra Conservative President...even if it takes another 8 years.

  3. The politicization of this unfortunate development is, to say the very least, pathetic.

    Our process is broken and the monkeys in charge are having a field day.

    At this point I've almost become ambivalent

  4. I am ambivalent,too. I can write with both hands.

  5. I suspect some of us here are amphibious too.

  6. Okay, ambivalent wasn't the best choice of words perhaps. I replace it with the "who gives a sh*t anymore" attitude.

  7. now yer talking. I guess I am losing it....but I am angry about that.

  8. If anyone has dishonored the death of Justice Scalia, it is the Republican Party most of all. Before the body was even cold, the GOP chose to politicize the moment. To block the president from exercising his constitutional authority, to accuse the president of "Deatherism" … this is a new, new low: The lowest of all. Even the deceased Judge himself would condemn this sullying of the U.S. Constitution. No respect for law, tradition, or our institutions of government, we are in a state of Cold War Civil War. Damn, how I hate those people!

  9. I have no respect for the Judge anyway, but for an elected official refusing to do his constitutional duty because he wants to disrupt the operation of the US government is an act of rebellion and calls for removal. It's plain and simple and I'm tired of paying officials that think they owe more to their god damn religion than to the country.

    Scalia was big on twisting the law and the truth to tell us that the law's responsibility to honor God so I'll let God do the honors. He disgraced his office as far as I'm concerned

  10. well,what Octo said....I will not take joy in any death....but I can sigh relief that he can no longer cause harm. Fuck the TeaParty. I want MY country back.


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