Friday, May 13, 2016

Humpty Trumpty Built a Great Wall

"But now the big banks are back in the party, pushing for Hillary Clinton to beat Donald Trump."  

Writes Bill Moyers and if you're like most people, seeking signs and marshaling facts to back up your emotionally derived and factless delusions, you'll read that as evidence  that she will be controlled by that nebulous straw man "wall street."   

Didn't really work all the other times financial interests contributed to other candidates, and of course no matter how much some brokerage house gave her, we don't know how much they gave to others, do we?  And of course the only reason people heavily involved in managing the wealth of nations would contribute is because she's a patsy, right?  It's not that highly informed and educated people don't believe Trumptastic Mister Shortfingers is going to make America Great like it was in 1862 or 1929. It's Wall Street.  It's Capitalism and we all know how crooked that is until anyone mentions Socialism.

That's the news in America -- a farrago of fallacy being served even by those presumably smart enough to tell shit from shoe polish selling it to others who think it's shampoo.

Trump is trustworthy because he's rich and Hillary must be a crook because she's rich.  How do we understand this?  Better ask Beyonce because Prince is dead and all the while we hear them pissing themselves lest God suddenly return to kill us all because some former dude walks into the lady's room. I mean that's never happened before without at least a plague of toads ensuing.

Look, Democracy in America doesn't have a chance. It's failing fast because America is the last stronghold of stupid. We've used miraculous information technology to create and maintain ignorance, feed delusion, dress up fake arguments as news and make everyone incoherently outraged on demand.  Hot and cold running Fox and that old slime religion every Sunday.  What a great country and soon to be greater, or whiter if you prefer when we round up and deport 11 million people, establish a State religion and close other houses of worship.  Great again, like when the Conquistadors were here and the Indian hunters and slave drivers and we all had good solid Anglo names like Drumph.


  1. We know there are narcissists and sociopaths everywhere, and the prevalence rate in the general population is as constant as background radiation in the universe. What scares me is the Weimar effect, the supporters of Trump, the people who fall sucker to this crap, who let rage get ahead of reason, and who enable these self-styled despots. It's always the followers who give power to disturbed persons and then bring ruin upon us. Yup, stupid is the bigger problem.

  2. Some vary wise people have told us that change is inevitable and that nothing good comes of demanding otherwise. Sadly, despite that wisdom, much of Western religion is based on ignoring that fact. Entropy increases none the less unless you keep puring energy into the system. Boy, there's a lot of energy being poured into making America White Again: into making uss return to something that really is not as advertised or never really was.

    Charlatans like Trump and GWB and most of the Republicans in my lifetime have been all about hoping to prevent progress in the world: the inevitable globalization and free trade and free movement of people. I hate to sound like Marx and I'm certainly not a Marxist, but there are trends which don't need revolutions to come about but do attract futile resistance and the waste of life and fortunes. America would be a lot greater if we'd learn to let go as painful as it is for some.

    Weimar indeed, Hitler promised a new dawn and so did Lenin and Mao and all the other lying bastards our ancestry compels us to follow.

  3. "those presumably smart enough to tell shit from shoe polish selling it to others who think it's shampoo"

    Pffft! There goes my tea...

    As always in a great form, Capt.

  4. Hey, great to "hear" you again.

  5. Re "the inevitable globalization and free trade and free movement of people"... most of the Republicans in my lifetime have been all about increasing this kind of "progress" (destroying American jobs via labor offshoring to low wage countries).

  6. That seems to be the result in many cases, but the rhetoric is always about jobs, jobs, jobs.


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