Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Donald Trump Overture

Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, Trump, like some ghastly, grotesque operatic overture. Trump, Trump, Trump, the boys are marching; marching  like the boot heels of goose stepping Trump Troopers trampling respect, compassion, freedom, truth and the fabric of  decency - the remains of Democracy.

I no longer take my second cup of coffee and watch the news and weather in the morning. It's nothing but Trump today as it was Trump yesterday and the day before. Three days of conjecture about the upcoming debate. Three weeks until it's over, How long until he starts taking prisoners, rounding up undesirables, sending them somewhere.

Heil Trump, he'll make Deutschland America great again - soon - after we remove those elements rotting our greatness. It was a disaster, remember, a Disaster. Mexicans groping your wife, you daughter, your mother, remember?

Trumpgestapo  at your door:  your papers please!  Vote for Clinton?  Come with me. No one will care, no one will see.  You with the scarf, you with the beard: track 6, the red boxcar, all aboard.

You can hardly see through the fog of hate. You can hardly see anything but that snarling orange face, snorting like an angry bull. You can hardly see America from your window.


  1. And.... history repeats itself. May have to slip into Canada before finding more permanent digs in the Carribean or Europe.

  2. Best line of the night from Van Jones: "You can't polish that turd."

  3. Mythbusters examined that premise a couple of years ago and proved, that if the turd is dry enough, you can indeed polish it. In other laboratories it's been established that you can put a wig on it, dye it orange and people will vote for it.


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