Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Four Years and Four Horsemen

I'm cautiously optimistic about Mrs. Clinton's chances this November, but I'm absolutely confident that we will have four years of investigations and hearings designed, if not to produce an impeachment, to impede here ability to function as a president.  It's been the modus operendi since Bill's two terms and the Republican Party has been a straight jacket and little more ever since.

The usual suspects in the house are calling for a special prosecutor.  Crazy Cruz  has called for a "serious criminal investigation" based on yet another fabricated video alleging voter fraud and Speaker Paul Ryan, the Cowardly Lion wants "aggressive oversight work" in the House based on the utter and absolute and overwhelming scandal of reclassifying an email.  All tactics familiar to the GOP and exciting to those hopelessly infected with Hillaryhate and to those whose insight into American politics began yesterday.

Some have hoped a Trump debacle would force reality on the Republicans, prompt a shift toward the middle and a tentative return to concern for the consequences of their actions, but of course some have hoped for a lot of things and a lot of lost causes. It's probably better than a psychopathic, vengeful and power mad warmonger in the White House, but the price will be high and the war on government, the war against America and the war against progress will continue. ISIS or no ISIS, I can see the future and it's war. Famine, Death and Pestilence sold separately.


  1. This may be a perfect storm. A repeat of 2008. Many lost seats and once held to be secure seats are again up-for-grabs as a disgruntled republican electorate avoids the polls entirely and furthermore receives no succor from the wishy-washy masses of undecided, so-called independent voters.

    Big states like Texas, Arizona and Florida threaten to teeter blue. Our own beloved Orange County California conservative, Darrel Issa finds himself in the battle of his lifetime against a relative unknown, after eight consecutive terms? Of course, he is the great snapping turtle who is poised to go after Clinton and everyone else who is holy and righteous.

    I'm looking at a democratic sweep. Banish the republicans. This is their come-uppance.

  2. I can't tell you how much I hope you're right, but it ain't over until the fat man goes to jail.

  3. I am just hoping that with strong voter turnout, we will unseat most of the tea baggers and at least reclaim the Senate if not the House.

  4. This nation definitely needs a viable opposition party to the democratic party, two or three would be better. The GOP needs a complete overhaul, but that isn't likely to happen any time soon IMO.

    1. The only way we can break up the two party system is to rein in campaign spending. We need strict rules on campaigning. First, we collect say $1 from every person's income tax. Then the government contracts with the networks to provide say 5 debates with online voting afterwards. For the second debate, take the top 10 and then top 5 and let the top 5 participate in very structured debates. If they try to go over their time, shut off their mike. If they get off topic, shut off their mike. That's it. no ads, no superpacs, no outside influence. Provide a written copy to those who don't have TV and have a call in vote for those who don't have internet. This is never going to happen of course but if it did, wouldn't it be so much easier?

    2. That would be a good start, but you can't fix stupid. We are a stupid country and proud of it.

  5. Frankly, I feel used and abused by this ugly election cycle, and the primary villain in this abuse is the Orange Menace. Through him, the crazy fringe received tacit approval to come out from under their rocks and gain legitimacy upon a public stage. My fear is that our culture, our standards of honesty and integrity, and our institutions of government have been dealt a fatal blow. Reports have surfaced of increased misbehavior among school children. Is there a connection? Yes, because the memes and themes of schoolyard taunts echo those of the Orange Menace himself. So we have gone backwards instead of forward with regards to civility, honesty, and integrity in our public life.

  6. I think that you may be right. We may have lost just about everything that we have worked so hard for since the beginning of the second world war.

    I certainly hope it is only a temporary derangement. My main hope is that it is clearly not as widespread as the most vocal adherents of this new paradigm would have us believe.

  7. I can't blame it on Donald Dickless without including our friends in the "liberal" media who hand him all the air time he wan'ts to rage about crooked hillary the worst criminal since Caine. I can't even talk about it without thoughts of violence.

  8. Yes Captain. The MSM is guilty of fostering tRump as well as the Tea Party and Faux News. In their concern for ratings they encouraged the tRump and GOP circus rather than exposing the con early on.

  9. Yes Captain. The MSM is guilty of fostering tRump as well as the Tea Party and Faux News. In their concern for ratings they encouraged the tRump and GOP circus rather than exposing the con early on.

  10. Yes they are! CNN has had the bastard on all day screaming "burn the witch" and nobody there to explain that she has nothing to do with these e-mails.


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