Monday, November 14, 2016

STORMFRONT — Making America Hate Again

Reserve judgement. Keep an open mind. Close ranks behind our new leader. Rationalizations? Or willful self-deceptions! Frankly, I am alarmed by dismissive attitudes following Donald Trump’s Electoral College win last week. All are variations on a self-serving theme: “I’ve got mine, screw you.” Here is what our country has become:

Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim erupts in violence; 3 are stabbed and 13 arrested:

Muslim Women Wearing Hijabs Assaulted Just Hours After Trump Win:

Sieg Heil — swastikas and racist Trump graffiti appear in South Philly:

Post-election hate crimes worse than post-9/11:

Meanwhile, fascist-elect Donald Trump remains silent. No denouncement of the violence, no moral message, and no responsibility for the climate of hatred his campaign has unleashed.

Newt Gin Stench says he wants to resurrect HUAC, the former House of Un-American Activities. Scarcely a month before inauguration, already the trappings of an oppressive surveillance and police state are taking shape. Joseph McCarthy Redux (on steroids), to be more precise.

None of these news accounts leave me in a Kumbaya frame of mind. I have feared this dark turn of events for months, and now my worst fears have been realized.


  1. Apparently on Sunday he told his followers to stop it but then went on to say it was a few isolated incidences (SPLC have reported at least 300 hate crimes since the election and that number is rising no doubt). He has appointed a rabid racist, misogynist, anti-Semite as he chief adviser (how's that gonna work out for ya, Netanyahu?) And the list of other cabinet choices? If this is not a hostile takeover of a democratic society, I don't know what is.But I guess the deluded right won't believe it til the jackbooted thugs are marching down their road and then they will only worry if they are coming to their house, screw if it is the guy next door. We are doomed.

  2. Republicans and conservatives have unleashed an evil that the majority of them fail to understand. Hopefully 2018 will flip congress and start the process of reversal. The stakes for our democratic republic's continued existence as we've known has never been this high.

  3. Did extinct dinosaurs
    with their small brains
    see the bright light
    in the sky
    and think hallelujah
    we've been saved
    Republicans do!

  4. Kumbaya? I'm more in a Kalashnikov state of mind. I'm not a great singer anyway.

    Hark, what light in yonder window breaks?
    It is the East and Trump is a hundred megaton bomb.

  5. 1776-2016
    These dates sum up my feelings about the election. This country, this so-called democracy, its people, its moral compass ... something inside me died on November 9th. I have been giving serious thought to listing my house for sale, liquidating all assets, and leaving the country.

    An self-avowed racist and anti-Semite holding a senior White House position. Nepotism and kleptocracy on a grand scale. This country is dead to me now.


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