Sunday, November 13, 2016


Welcome to the new normal.

Desperate people threw away their moral integrity, if they ever had any, and their sense of decency to vote for a PT Barnumesque shyster filled with empty promises and plenty of hateful rhetoric. He managed to degrade women (and still 57% of women voters voted for him), threaten Muslims (many of whom are peaceful and legitimate citizens of the once United States), persons of color (also many who are full citizens of this country), persons with disabilities and the marginalized group known collectively as the LBGT community (and also most of all who are citizens of the once United States).

Many women of the Muslim faith are afraid to wear their hijabs in public even though their religious beliefs compel them to do so (that's the scarf they wear around their head). Muslim women are afraid.
And their fears are not without validation. Muslim woman attacked on campus.

Many folks will tell you that they are not racist and don't agree with the bigotry and hate yet chose to ignore all that hate spewing forth at every rally or just never listened past the part they wanted to hear but unlike them, I listened to most everything Donald Trump had to say. I did want to vote for change, I would have loved to a found a fresh new candidate that could work on both sides of the aisle and see progress in our economic and social status, but Trump is not the one. Like any good carnival huckster, he played to the crowd. One night I listened to him address one group promising a wall and mass deportations, another night I heard him telling hispanics he would make room for them in Trump's America  -- and make no mistake, this IS now Trump's Amerika. This land is NOT your land and is it NOT my land, it is Trump land and the GOP land and they are going to do with it as they please.

Steel mills will not reopen in Pittsburgh, the furniture factories will not be spewing toxic fumes in High Point and the fabric mills of the South will remain silent and unused. Why? Because Trump cannot deliver on his campaign promise to bring back jobs, which, by the way, did not all go overseas. It is more complicated than that.  Why Trump will fail to bring back jobs.

Those tax cuts? Yeah, the middle class will see about $1,000 extra a year while the rich will hang on to another million a year. And he has no plan for offseting these cuts which will ADD 7 TRILLION TO THE NATIONAL DEBT. The cost of Trump's tax plan.

But the one thing we can count on? An ever deeper divide and ever increasing violence and hate.

For those who are distressed as I am to what is happening to the social and moral fabric of this country there is a new movement happening now. Pin a safety pin to your clothing where anyone can see it. It is a symbol that attests to you being someone who is safe to talk to and ask for help for any person regardless of color, religion, gender or sexual orientation. It is a small thing but a sea of safety pins on a crowded street may just give our fellow human beings a little hope and let them know they are not alone.



  1. I have to agree that the electoral college has really outlived its usefulness if it ever had any other usefulness than to lean favor towards slave owners. In this day of multimedia and instant communications, there is no reason why the popular vote should not take precedence and the electoral college abolished. At least then the candidate with the most votes wins, period. Majority rules. I have heard the endless arguments of we are a Republic/ we are a Democracy but does it really even matter anymore? Fact is the electoral college is an outmoded system and needs to go. Then maybe we can work on term limits...

  2. We are a representative democracy, or, if you prefer a democratic republic. Overall the system has worked relatively well and served the nation as I believe the founders intended.

    That said, regardless of the reason(s) for the EC, and there were several rationale for it, time move on, civilization advances, realities change, and society should respond appropriately.

    Time for a constitutional amendment to vacate the EC.

    1. white is really, all in all, a pretty boring color.

  3. Welcome back, everyone! After I finish this comment, I will squiggle and ink to a local store to buy myself a safety pin.

    All those bozos who voted for this creep will discover soon enough how they have been suckered and played. Suckered by a campaign of malice and menace, smear and jeer; the politics of bait and switch, and sneak and cheat.

    Who are the Trump voters in my neighborhood? Those anonymous faces at the checkout counter? Never again will I be able to look them in the eye or exchange a friendly greeting. He has made America hate again. Darkness has fallen, and my world no longer feels safe.

    I now consider myself a card-crying member of the Resistance. We have a tough road ahead.

  4. Each day we get closer to a Nazi like country. I become more and more alarmed with each new appointment. The transition team is in chaos and running around in the White House like a remake of a Marx Brothers film, though not as funny. We are fighting for our lives and our way of life.

  5. The "transition team" is indeed looking like a meeting of Mafiosi trying to divide up territories. Maybe it's more than appearances. As to the electoral college, it is time to reconsider, but you'll not how the furor after Bush/Gore died away quickly. Both sides seem to like the idea of being able to win without a majority, although in the last 16 years, the Republican Pirates are ahead 2 to 1. I wouldn't count on any changes seeon.


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