Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spear Chucker

According to Raw Story, Mark Salter, a top McCain aide, told the Wall Street Journal last Friday that the campaign was tired of "catching the spears." That's right, he called Obama a spear-chucker.

The "spears" of course were allegations of McCain's unsavory connections with unsavory people, enough of which are sufficiently beyond question that the McCain campaign needs to invoke the victim image again in order to distract from the lobbyist crew that run the McCain/Palin Cirque de Sleazy.

The plan is to go negative, and this from a campaign Karl Rove thought was too negative already! This from the Swift Boat Party, the party who dragged McCain's baby daughter through the racist mud: the party that regularly paints war heroes as malingerers and familiars of bin Laden.

I really can't wait to see them resurrect the Pastor Wright controversy against the background of Sarah Palin's witch hunting "spiritual" leader. So far they have been rather successful in convincing us that McCain was exonerated in the Keating affair (he was censured for bad judgment) and in tap dancing around the information that despite his phony anti-lobbyist rhetoric, his top aides were lobbyists for Burma, various African dictators, oil tyrants and child enslavers, but the Clean John image is too flimsy to hold up for long.

I have a feeling that the mud slinging will backfire with all but his most psychotic admirers, but for connoisseurs of hypocrisy it's going to be quite a show anyway.

Cross posted from Human Voices


  1. A remarkable editorial appeared in yesterday’s Washington Post. George Will, that knee-jerk conservative commentator, had this to say in an editorial called, McCain loses his head:

    Under the pressure of the financial crisis, one presidential candidate is behaving like a flustered rookie playing in a league too high. It is not Barack Obama …

    It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?

    - - - -
    Quite an indictment from an ostensibly friendly voice.

  2. I truly detest George Will, but I have to give it to him -- he can write, and of course he's right too.

    Looks like McCain read it too, because the hero is off to Washington to tilt at economic windmills and he's sorry, but he just won't be able to debate while that important stuff is going on.

  3. McCain, that pathetic dumb$#it. Every time he grandstands, he makes a fool of himself.

  4. He certainly does - his showing up on Katie Couric after he told Letterman he was going to Washington is hilarious, but of course the low information/impaired cognition voters don't know or care.


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